Petition update

Thank YOU - More than quarter of a million signatures in less than 24 hours!!  

Matthew Tovey
United Kingdom
Apr 13, 2022

Thank YOU - More than quarter of a million signatures in less than 24 hours!!I have been overwhelmed by the support from the hundreds of thousands of you who have signed, shared, and commented. Our petition has been online less than 20 hours and has over 300,000 signatures!

That’s 300,000 of us that believe that no Prime Minister should be allowed to break the law and remain in office.

So many of you have been posting heartbreaking stories of what you went through during lockdown in the comments. 

It’s time to make sure that our local MPs, who are elected to represent US, hear these stories. Here’s what you can do:

If you only have 30 seconds to spare, can you please SHARE THE PETITION NOW and encourage your friends to sign. I am aiming to get 500,000 people to sign, to make sure they can't ignore us. If each of you got just one person to sign we could hit this goal.

If you have five minutes to spare please write to your MP TODAY - especially if you have a conservative MP! -  telling them about the petition and about what you gave up for lockdown. Click the link to find out who your MP is and what their email address is which is here:

Please feel free to use your own words or use this template:

Dear MP xxx

I am one of over 280,000 people across the UK who have signed the petition asking for Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak to step down after receiving police fines for breaking lockdown restrictions.

During lockdown thousands of people gave up precious moments with family, friends, and dying relatives to observe the rules and try to keep others safe. It is unacceptable that our Prime Minister and Chancellor ignored these rules and think they can continue to hold the most powerful positions in the UK. This is the first time in history that a UK Prime Minister has broken the law whilst in office. We must set a precedent that this is not OK and that no one is above the law.

As my representative I am asking that you represent my point of view in parliament and do everything in your power to urge the Prime Minister, and Chancellor, to step down.

Thank you. 


XXX (remember to include your postcode below your name!)


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