

December 30, 2021
Signatures: 689Next Goal: 1,000
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Why this petition matters

Started by Hong Kong Pigeon and Dove Rescue

【尖沙咀天星碼頭】停止殺雀網 | 以人道方法代替 

尖沙咀天星碼頭意圖以吊吊揈綠網防止鳥糞掉落巴士站,活生生勒死一隻鴿子,並有多隻鴿子被困於鳥刺中,香港救援鳩鴿及雀鳥 (HKPDR) 現正透過不同渠道聯絡有關部門要求作出回應。



2018年初,一向住著很多鴿子的中環半山扶手電梯天橋開始安裝鳥刺,原因是有人投訴雀糞令其「中頭獎」。當時 HKPDR 和 巿民發起聯署,然後再分別發信到相關部門包括區議會、機電處、運輸處、漁護處、食環處,以及找來 #香港動物報、 #愛護動物協會 及 前立法會議員幫忙,幸各方願意聆聽意見,鳥刺工程最終被叫停,改裝「鳥線」代替。雖然某程度上仍阻礙雀鳥生活,但至少不致於令牠們受傷死亡。

香港救援鳩鴿及雀鳥 (HKPDR) 重申,在任何情況下,野生動物管理都應先採取人道、以動物為本方式著手。本會在此之前,已向漁護署提出另外幾種既人道又可作數量控制措施 (包括鴿舍/鴿子箱) 的意見,惟未被例入考慮範圍。

The TST Star Ferry Pier has installed a green net to stop bird droppings from falling to the bus station below. The net is half installed which is causing unnatural and unnecessary death of pigeons. We urge the pier to stop all inhumane treatment and look at effective and humane ways to achieve their goal. 

HKPDR has reached out to  government officials, providing insight and potential ways in decreasing the population of pigeons in the area whilst minimizing the disturbance of pigeons. Yet, these measures were not taken into consideration. 

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Signatures: 689Next Goal: 1,000
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