Disregard Petition to Ban Israel Pavilion in "Biennale di Venezia 2024"

Disregard Petition to Ban Israel Pavilion in "Biennale di Venezia 2024"

Lancée le
2 mars 2024
Signatures : 4 680Prochain objectif : 5 000
50 personnes ont signé cette semaine

Pourquoi cette pétition est importante

Lancée par Emmanuelle HESS

I am an ardent supporter of Israel and a firm believer that art should transcend politics. It is with this conviction that I urge you to oppose the ANGA petition titled "Thousands of Artists Want Israel Excluded From the Prestigious Venice Biennale" - " Art no genocide alliance" 21 003 signatories as I write. 

The Venice Biennale is one of the most prestigious cultural events globally, and it has always been a platform for promoting unity, diversity, and understanding through art.

Israel's exclusion based on political reasons undermines not only its artists but also the essence of art itself - freedom, expression, and universality. Artistic platforms should not be used as battlegrounds for political disputes but rather as bridges to foster dialogue and mutual respect.

The Israeli Pavilion has been part of this esteemed event since 1952 (source: La Biennale di Venezia archives), contributing significantly to its rich cultural tapestry. Let us not allow politics to tarnish this tradition now or in future editions.

Slamming it as "unacceptable, as well as shameful", Mr Sangiuliano - Italy Culture Minister -  said the Anga Petition represented the "diktat of those who believe they are the custodians of the truth, and with arrogance and hatred think they can threaten freedom of thought and creative expression."

"The Venice Art Biennale will always be a space of freedom, meeting and dialogue and not a space of censorship and intolerance" - statement from Sangiuliano on the Italian culture ministry website - "Culture is a bridge between people and nations, not a dividing wall."

Let us stand together for artistic freedom and against politicizing culture.

Please sign this petition to support including Israel Pavilion at the Venice Biennale.

50 personnes ont signé cette semaine
Signatures : 4 680Prochain objectif : 5 000
50 personnes ont signé cette semaine
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