Implement Mental Health Education in Schools Nationwide

Implement Mental Health Education in Schools Nationwide

Başlama tarihi:
8 Mayıs 2024
New York City Public Schools ve
İmzalar: 12Sonraki Hedef: 25
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Başlatan: Pin A.

As someone who has personally experienced the harsh reality of bullying during my formative years, I understand the profound importance of mental health and therapy. It's not something to be taken lightly or for granted. I was fortunate enough to have access to therapy and help when I needed it, but I am acutely aware that there are countless young individuals who do not have this privilege. This is why we need mental health education in schools.

Mental health issues among children and teenagers are alarmingly common, yet often overlooked or misunderstood. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), nearly one in five U.S. children has been diagnosed with a mental disorder during their lifetime (1). Despite these staggering numbers, our educational system does little to address this crisis.

By incorporating mental health education into school curriculums nationwide, we can equip our youth with the knowledge they need to understand their own emotions better, recognize signs of distress in themselves and others, and seek help when necessary.

This is more than just a personal cause; it's about creating a future where every child understands that their feelings matter - that they matter - regardless of what they're going through. It’s about making sure no child feels alone or helpless again because they didn’t understand what was happening inside them.

Please join me in urging educators across the country to prioritize mental health education for all students by signing this petition today.
(1) National Institute of Mental Health

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İmzalar: 12Sonraki Hedef: 25
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