難民を虐げ、在留資格のない人の命を危うくする、 入管法改悪に反対します!

難民を虐げ、在留資格のない人の命を危うくする、 入管法改悪に反対します!

衆議院議長 殿


署名の発信者 Open the Gate for All


* English translation is at the bottom of this page

衆議院議長 殿
参議院議長 殿
内閣総理大臣 殿
法務大臣 殿



  • 低い難民認定率を改善しないまま、難民申請者を強制送還できる仕組みを設ける。
  • 難民など帰国できない事情がある人に帰国を命じ、従わないと処罰する。
  • 在留資格のない外国人に対する無期限・長期収容の制度を維持する。
  • 新設の監理措置制度で、収容から解放された人への監視を強める。就労を禁止された対象者に生活保障を行わない。
  • 在留資格のない人への在留特別許可による救済を、狭める。




2014年3月30日 牛久入管収容所で亡くなったカメルーン国籍男性 
※ 入管施設に収容されていたカメルーンが、亡くなられる直前まで苦しんでいた様子を撮影した監視カメラの映像です。一部一般メディアでも報道されている動画ですが、ご自身のトラウマの等に触れる可能性がありますので、閲覧にはご注意ください。









2021年入管法改悪に反対する緊急アクション 衆議院第二議員会館前シットイン2021年入管法改悪に反対する緊急アクション 衆議院第二議員会館前シットイン


公益社団法人 アムネスティ・インターナショナル日本
特定非営利活動法人 移住者と連帯する全国ネットワーク
全件収容主義を闘う弁護士の会 ハマースミスの誓い
特定非営利活動法人 ヒューマンライツナウ

Save Immigrants Osaka

以下のリンクからダウンロードしてご使用してください。https://bit.ly/3Z2gt8u(署名用紙送付先は、〒110-0005 東京都台東区上野1-12-6 3F 特定非営利活動法人移住者と連帯する全国ネットワーク まで)

https://bit.ly/2ZG3jSc(Open the Gate for All お問い合わせフォーム)




We oppose the pejoration of Japan’s Immigration Control Act, which will oppress refugees and endanger the lives of people who do not have residency status!
Honorable Speaker of the House of Representatives
Honorable Speaker of the House of Councillors
Honorable Prime Minister
Honorable Minister of Justice
The government is moving to pass a bill to revise the Immigration Control Act in the ordinary Diet session, which is nearly identical in content to a bill that was discarded in the 2021 ordinary Diet session.
So many problems!
The proposed bill will oppress refugees and endanger lives of people without residency status in the following ways:

  • It will establish a mechanism to deport asylum seekers, without improving the low recognition rate of refugee applicants;
  • It will order refugees and other people who cannot return to their home countries to return to their home countries, and punish them if they do not comply;
  • It will maintain the system of indefinite and long-term detention for foreigners without residency status;
  • With a new system of supervision, it will strengthen surveillance of people who are released from detention. It will not provide security of livelihood to those who are prohibited to work;
  • It will narrow reliefs provided through special residency permission to people without residency status.

Stop this bill, which keeps the severe conditions of detention centers hidden!
The bill that was submitted to the Diet in 2021 was scrapped due to criticism of the inhumane treatment of Ms. Wishma Sandamali, who died while in custody of the Nagoya Immigration Office. The Immigration Agency refused to disclose video evidence of the incident and is still trying to hide the truth. Current conditions of the detention systems are increasingly coming to light through other cases, such as the verdict (partial victory) of a trial initiated by the family of a Cameroonian man, whose pleas of suffering were ignored and who died in detention in 2015, and the trial brought by Mr. Deniz, who was beaten while in detention by a group of security officers.
Stop deporting and punishing applicants under a continued refugee isolationism!
In addition, the current refugee system and operations are so terrible that the government is not even accepting Ukrainian refugees as refugees, even though many Japanese citizens and companies have offered assistance and indicated willingness to accept Ukrainian refugees. Moreover, many asylum seekers of other nationalities, even from countries such as Myanmar and Afghanistan, whose devastation is widely reported, are being neglected, receiving none of the policy support and refugee recognition afforded to Ukrainian refugees. If they lose their residency status, these people also become "deportation evaders" according to the Immigration Agency, and might be deported, or even punished, under the proposed new bill.
Stop tormenting people who are on provisional release!
People who are placed on provisional release are prohibited to work by the Immigration Agency and cannot receive welfare or health insurance, but some suffer from serious illnesses and lack access to medical treatment. In view of this situation, where their right to life is not recognized, the United Nations has issued recommendations for improvement.
Stop depriving young people of their futures and deporting them!
There are young people who came to Japan as children with their asylum-seeking parents, or who were born and grew up in Japan. Even if they study hard and advance to university or vocational school while under the status of provisional release, the Immigration Agency will not grant residency to them. Not only do they not know if they can find a job in the future, but they must carry the worry that they may one day be repatriated to their country of nationality, which is unfamiliar to them. They, too, are "deportation evaders" according to the Immigration Agency, and the proposed new bill will limit their opportunities to gain residency permission, possibly even subject them to penalties.
Please stop!
Please stop sending people back who are at risk of persecution. Please do not punish those who have reasons that they cannot return to their home countries.
We oppose the proposed revision of the Immigration Control Act and call for reforms that will realize a society in which the lives and human rights of every person living in this society are guaranteed, and in which, truly, “no one is left behind.”
Appealing organizations:

Amnesty International Japan
NPO Solidarity Network with Migrants Japan
Japan Lawyers Network for Refugees
Catholic Commission of Japan for Migrants, Refugees and People on the Move
Immigration Review Task Force
Attorneys Fighting Against Detention, Hammersmith Oath
NPO Human Rights Now







  • 衆議院議長 殿
  • 参議院議長 殿
  • 内閣総理大臣 殿
  • 法務大臣 殿