Manifesto against disinformation

Manifesto against disinformation

29 settembre 2021
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Perché questa petizione è importante

Lanciata da ETICA Onlus

Action lines against fake news and information manipulation

"The health of society depends on quality of information [which] it receives."

Walter Lippmann

The increase in the spread of fake news is becoming an increasingly worrying phenomenon, which endangers the lives of individuals and can change the international balance by creating unjustified conflicts. A theme also examined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which, in goal 16, aims to "ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, under national legislation and international agreements". To stem this phenomenon, we need the commitment of all the actors involved: institutions and individuals.

An example of its scope concerns the debate on the origin of Covid-19, in which the media, although there is still no scientific certainty about it, have transmitted partial and unverified news, changing users' perception of reality. This phenomenon, however, is often linked to the economic interests of some countries and institutions, which help to manipulate information, through false reports or intelligence institutes, to maintain their leadership, interrupting international relations or engaging in unjustified conflicts.

At this historic moment, therefore, it is fundamental to create a climate of international collaboration that can defend not only the rights of the individual and the community but also the Italian and European interests, autonomy, and political and economic strategies in the world.

This document intends to affirm the value of the correct information, which is at the basis of free thought and the choices of individuals, society, and States. The aim is to develop practices to protect the awareness and empowerment of users, institutions and press towards fake news through a scientific approach, independent from the policies of any Country. It also aims to create a series of initiatives to promote and raise awareness on the issue that involve the main representatives of all sectors affected by this phenomenon (politics, history, science, technology).

Fighting disinformation today will allow us to be part of that more just, fair, and conscious society in the future, capable of fully understanding the world in which it moves and of being able to discern false or manipulated information. From institutions to individuals, everyone is involved in this process of creating a new shared future.

Rome, September 15 2021

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