Petition Bribes, we ask how GOD COMMANDS

Petition Bribes, we ask how GOD COMMANDS

Lancée le
27 novembre 2022
Signatures : 1Prochain objectif : 5
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Pourquoi cette pétition est importante


Bribes, we ask how GOD COMMANDS

It is absolutely necessary that we all request offshore accounts of every high office starting as a good example from the magistrates

Deuteronomy 16:19 You will not pervert the law, you will have no personal concern and you will not take any gift, because the gift blinds the eyes of the wise and corrupts the words of the righteous.


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because it automatically gives me a maximum of 100 signatures, how can I say it's not true?



Azione, azione in giustizia


Action, action en justice

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Action, action en justice

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Acción, acción en justicia

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Signatures : 1Prochain objectif : 5
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