Stop the Rezoning of PUD 6 for "Destination Resort/Casino"

Stop the Rezoning of PUD 6 for "Destination Resort/Casino"
Top supporter voices
Why this petition matters
Irving residents, our community is at risk! Developers are pushing to rezone PUD 6 to allow for a destination resort and casino, and we must take action to stop it. This project threatens the safety, stability, and future of our city.
Why We Must Oppose This Rezoning
❌ Increased Crime & Social Issues
Studies show that casinos bring an increase in crime rates, problem gambling, and social issues like addiction, financial hardship, and family instability. Our police force and community resources will be stretched thin, impacting the safety of our neighborhoods.
❌ False Promises of Economic Growth
While developers claim a casino will bring jobs and revenue, research indicates that the long-term economic impact is negative. Local businesses suffer as casinos funnel money away from our community, and the jobs created are often low-wage, temporary positions.
❌ Unwanted Outside Influence on Local Government
The gaming industry has a long history of lobbying and influencing local governments for its own gain. Do we want outside corporate interests shaping Irving’s future instead of our own community leaders and residents?
❌ Powerful Interests Silencing Citizens
The Irving City Manager and Las Vegas Sands Corp. are attempting to fast track this proposal with little or no citizen input, no time to do impact studies and no mention of the disastrous effects this development will have. Let's make our voices heard!
We Need Sustainable Growth, Not a Casino!
Instead of relying on a casino that preys on our most vulnerable citizens, we should focus on developments that truly benefit Irving—like small businesses, green spaces, and family-friendly attractions.
Take Action NOW!
Sign this petition and tell our city leaders: NO to the rezoning of PUD 6 for a destination resort and casino! Let’s protect our community, our economy, and our future.
Decision Makers
- Richard StopferIrving City Mayor
Make your petition known to Richard Stopfer
- Dennis WebbIrving City Council - At Large, Place 8
Make your petition known to Dennis Webb
- Mark CronenwettIrving City Council - District 5
Make your petition known to Mark Cronenwett
- Abdul KhabeerIrving City Council - District 3
Make your petition known to Abdul Khabeer
- Brad LaMorgeseIrving City Council - At Large, Place 2
Make your petition known to Brad LaMorgese