福島原発事故の国の責任を断罪してください (English text follows.)

福島原発事故の国の責任を断罪してください (English text follows.)

仙台高等裁判所 Sendai High Court(第2民事部裁判官 Judge, 2nd Civil Division)


 私たちは、2011年3月11日福島第一原子力発電所事故の責任追及を求めて、福島県いわき市民を原告、国と東京電力ホールディングスを被告として、福島地裁いわき支部に提訴した NO MORE FUKUSHIMA「いわき市民訴訟」の弁護団です。





 この「3.10判決」は、今後に続く裁判と原発政策のありかたに大きな影響を与える判決となります。今こそ日本から、そして全世界から、NO MORE FUKUSHIMA の声を広げるときです。

 福島の地から皆さんへ、NO MORE FUKUSHIMA の声を広げていただきたく、署名へのご協力をお願いします。

Sender: NO MORE FUKUSHIMA; Lawyers for the Victims of the Fukushima Nuclear Plant Accident

Addressee: Sendai High Court (Judge, 2nd Civil Division)

We are legal representatives of the Iwaki citizens of Fukushima Prefecture, who have filed a lawsuit in the Iwaki Branch of the Fukushima District Court against the Japanese government and TEPCO Holdings in order to hold them accountable for the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident on March 11, 2011 (Iwaki Citizens' case).  Our campaign slogan is NO MORE FUKUSHIMA.

On June 17, 2022, the Supreme Court held in another case that the government was not responsible for the Fukushima nuclear accident, because the tsunami which caused the accident was larger than could have reasonably been foreseen. The Kishida government subsequently launched a pro-nuclear policy of restarting nuclear power plants, extending their operating periods, and building new plants.

In the past, the government has promoted nuclear power plants as a "national policy" based on the "safety myth" without listening to the voices of people who pointed out the dangers of nuclear power plants. The tragic result of this policy was the Fukushima nuclear accident on March 11, 2011. Without reflecting on the accident, the government is now trying to steer a new policy to promote nuclear power generation.

If nothing is done, the question to the judiciary, "Why did the Fukushima nuclear accident happen?" will not be answered. In order to prevent a nuclear accident from happening again, and to provide relief to victims, the court must make the government take responsibility.

In the Iwaki citizens' case, the Sendai High Court will make a decision on March 10, 2023, the day before the 12th anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear accident. This decision will be the first high court ruling in Japan since the earlier Supreme Court judgement.

The decision on 10 March 2023 will have a major impact on the future of Fukushima accident court cases, and Japan's nuclear power policy. Now is the time to spread the message of "NO MORE FUKUSHIMA" in Japan and all over the world.

Please help spread the message of NO MORE FUKUSHIMA from the land of Fukushima to all by signing this petition.








  • 仙台高等裁判所 Sendai High Court第2民事部裁判官 Judge, 2nd Civil Division