March to Zero - Time to act concretely for the protection of our children

March to Zero - Time to act concretely for the protection of our children

August 25, 2023
Petition to
Papa della Chiesa Cattolica Papa Francesco Bergoglio
Signatures: 208Next Goal: 500
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Why this petition matters

Started by Simone Padovani

Sign the Petition of Ending Clergy Abuse's ( universal zero-tolerance law for the protection of our children.

The sexual abuse of children in the Catholic Church is, unfortunately, a well-known and still unresolved problem in the Vatican.

It is time to apply the "Zero Tolerance Law" which has been Pope Francis' motto since 2013, and now is time to do so without further delay.

By signing this petition

  • we will send to Pope Francis with a law proposal, prepared by a team of surviving experts, canon lawyers, and activists from all over the world, in order to concretize the motto of Pope Francis
  • you will help victims and survivors around the world to get justice and new generations to be protected.

It's time to act, sign up, and contribute to our March To 0!



This petition is supported by survivors, activists, expert from all over the world, from USA to India, from New Zealand International associations as Bishop Accountability, Snap, Brave Movement, Justice Initiative, Rete L'Abuso, (IMPLEMENTARE)

Main Points of Zero Tolerance Law

  • Requires church personnel to report clergy abuse to civil authorities.
  • Requires immediate removal of accused perpetrator from ministry pending investigations and church processes.
  • Provide victim access to information and files


Practical actions

1. Make clergy sex abuse a formal topic of the Synod and include survivor rights groups critical of Vatican's response to clergy as delegates.

2. Adopt the 2014 UN Committee on the Rights of the Child recommendations to end clergy sexual abuse and provide justice for survivors.

3. Require Cardinal Victor Fernandez, head of DDF, to immediately publish a list of clergy abusers in the Archdiocese of LA Plata, or resign.



Some of us:

Bishop Accountability , Rete L'Abuso , XUMEC , Centro Iberoamericano para el Fomento del Derecho Internacional y lo de Derechos Humanos (CIFODIDH), Jamaicans for Justice , Network of Survivors in Faith Based Insitutions , Snap , Child Rights Connect , Heal Our Church-Seattle , Justice Initiative .....











Ending Clergy Abuse (ECA) is a worldwide organization of human rights’ activists who focus on children’s and victims’ rights joining in common cause to compel the Church to end clerical abuse, especially child sexual abuse, in order to protect children and to seek effective justice for victims. ECA demands the end of the Church’s structural mechanism that allows abuse.
ECA’s vision is mainly aligned with children’s rights as articulated by the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), of which the Vatican is a signatory. In its advocacy and actions, ECA adheres to the principles of active non-violence.
ECA acknowledges the right to live in a faith, free of abuse. ECA is not aligned against the institutional Church but seeks to end the abusive attitudes and practices that place the Church above the dignity of children.
ECA recognizes progress regarding clerical abuse in some countries, primarily due to brave victims who have fought to raise their voices. However, there are many more places in the world – including Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America – where victims’ voices are silenced.
ECA seeks to be that voice.
ECA Actions
1. To hold accountable the Roman Catholic Church in multiple arenas:
providing data, mobilizing public opinion, by judicial and legislative
actions to end clerical abuse, and to provide justice to victims.
2. To support and empower survivors by assisting them to organize and
contact local or global organizations to find help and demand for
3. To network with organizations that investigate and research about
sexual clerical abuse and cover up.

Support now
Signatures: 208Next Goal: 500
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Decision Makers

  • Papa Francesco BergoglioPapa della Chiesa Cattolica