Demand the Municipalization of PG&E for Affordable and Reliable Energy in California

Demand the Municipalization of PG&E for Affordable and Reliable Energy in California

February 8, 2024
Signatures: 1,767Next Goal: 2,500
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Why this petition matters

We’ve all suffered due to PG&E’s failures and lack of accountability. The recent rain storms and the power failures revealed the fragile state of PG&E's infrastructure. Many families have gone days without electricity, and PG&E can’t even predict when service will be restored. Their monopoly threatens our very future, and it’s time for the public to take control.

Sign this petition: let’s take back control and turn PG&E into a public utility.

I am a resident of California who has experienced first-hand the struggles caused by our reliance on Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E). 

  ➣  Twice the National Average:  ‘PG&E prides itself as a "hometown utility," but it has proven to be nothing short of a mockery. Its  rates are more than twice the national average, and this hurts both businesses and residents. 

 ➣   Repeated Transgressions: PG&E has been hit with massive fines, and they’ve passed the cost on to their ratepayers! Since 2010, PG&E has been found guilty of at least 90 felonies. It has paid out over $25.5 billion in damages to wildfire victims since 2017. The California Camp Fire, the San Bruno explosion—how many such disasters will we have to deal with because of PG&E? 

 ➣  Billions in Profit:  Despite paying billions in damages, PG&E is VERY profitable. Its gross profit for the twelve months ending September 30, 2023 was just over $18 billion.  Our bills have gone up, but PG&E has yet to provide a plan for upgrades and life-saving maintenance. 

 ➣  Glitzy TV Ads: I find it particularly frustrating to continuously encounter costly TV advertisements for PG&E, a monopoly service. Given that we lack alternatives and ultimately finance these ads through our monthly bills, the necessity of such advertising baffles me. What purpose does advertising serve for a monopoly without competition, and whom are they attempting to attract with these ads?

 ➣   Rates Tied to Income: Now PG&E has pushed for a billing system based on household income. This eliminated any incentive for energy conservation. This would be a global first!

 ➣  Killed Solar in CA: PG&E’s greed continues unabated – it has used its influence to kill California’s once-promising solar industry and stifle green energy investment. We’ve lost out on many sustainable solutions for our state's energy needs.

California deserves better than this. PG&E continues to put our homes and families at risk. Why do we allow this for-profit company to maintain its monopoly? It’s insane, especially given all the damage and suffering PG&E has caused. It’s time for the people of California to take control!

We’re calling on our governor and the CPUC to municipalize PG&E—bringing it under public ownership—so that we can prioritize affordability, reliability, safety, and sustainability over profits.

Let's stand together against corporate greed and fight for a future with reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy. Sign this petition if you believe it's time for change!

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Signatures: 1,767Next Goal: 2,500
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