Get Security Cameras In The "James I. Gibson" Library

Get Security Cameras In The "James I. Gibson" Library

The Issue

Today, I was met with the following jaw-dropping discovery; our beloved "James I. Gibson" library in Henderson, Nevada doesn't have any cameras in place as a security measure! I was told this by a male employee this morning (Wednesday, January 15, 2025; my arrival being not long after they opened as per my usual 1-2 per week), upon him telling me "two out of three games are "missing". This highly offended me & upset me, because (between you & me, not only did I have a really strange bad spiritual leveled natural instinct of a psychic, gut wrenching feeling that something bad was going to happen to me at the library today), BUT he & the lady also at the Front Desk area looked at me as if I were the one responsible for this issue! I'm a very honest person in life; I've been faithfully borrowing & returning, on time & or early, $200+ electronics (Chromebooks & Mobile Hotspots) for months now, as well as several upon several upon several books, & for them to cause me to emotionally breakdown, winding up in tears, over this issue that was NOT my fault, as the person who checked it out to me from where these "Stay Sharp" kits are kept, especially when placed on hold for pickup (behind the Front Desk only) told me, & I quote, "Everything's in there, so you're all set!" I've NEVER checked out one of these "Stay Sharp" kits before in my life, because I didn't know they existed until I started participating in the current challenge (Winter Reading Challenge), so how would someone like me know what was supposed to be in them? Especially when I was told, again, "Everything's in there, so you're all set!" ... Either the person who borrowed it before I ever did is to blame or someone isn't doing their job when it comes to checking these kits before they go out again. BUT this is more serious than just needing security cameras in place to prove honest people right!

I already published a new blog post to my main blog about this issue at hand, so I do highly recommend you read it as it answers commonly asked questions I've already received since I uploaded my mini-vlog about the matter on YouTube this morning (around 10:50) & took to Instagram.

That direct link is:

The commonly asked questions I've answered so far are as follows.

  1. Have you ever noticed a sign in front of your local library that reads, "SAFE PLACE"?
  2. Do other libraries in the state of Nevada have security cameras in place?
  3. Henderson seems like a pretty safe city compared to Las Vegas, Downtown Vegas & The Strip, so why should we waste any of our tax dollars / hard earned money or possible grants or even think of hosting a fundraiser to make this happen, that being measly security cameras for a library?

(You can stay up to date on the progress of this mission I'm on over on my official (& very first) website!

Scenario One: "The "James I. Gibson" library remains camera-less!"

By: Katrina Charron Bosley

You just got out of a highly abusive & immensely toxic relationship with your ex, who always lied to the police at every single chance he/she/they could get, even when you were sure the odds of him/her/them getting away with anything else were completely stacked against him. You know how bad he/she/they lies to our everyday heroes, so you always watch your six! You've been very hyper vigilant & on edge, to say the least, ever since the final split of the two of you, because despite him/her/them saying in a court of law, "I want nothing to do with her/him/them!", he/she/they has done everything to have something to do with you in one way or another. From him/her/them using the police as agents of harassment in his/her/their twisted agendas as he/she/they still dares to call you his wife/husband/SO to him/her/them stalking you irl & on various social media platforms through various social media profiles, your everyday life has become hard to wake up & face. You barely find the strength to carry on, but you still dare to write books! You still dare to do at least one thing you love, & that is you dare to still go to the library; any library! Libraries have been a place for you to de-stress, & ever since the judge told you he couldn't add your former library you went to on the daily to your protection order against your partner, you had to move to a different branch, one close to where your new partner works, so you have a place to flee to at a moment's notice! A few weeks ago by, & you see your abusive ex, who's also your current stalker at the library you've been going to, which is clearly far from his home (there's a branch walking distance from his home residence, you remember! So why on Earth is he here!) The police arrive, because he's called them on you, yet again! You're shaking like a leaf as your heart races & your vision narrows. You're having another panic attack! You try to reach for your asthma inhaler, because you're finding it hard to breathe! The police don't believe a single word you say! There's no camera footage they can watch to prove he's a liar & that you're being & have been actively stalked by this sinister individual! Nobody is willing to help a person like you who looks unapproachable due to panicking & being asthmatic, so there's "no witnesses" to save you! You're completely on your own! As you flashback to the several times he's almost gotten the police to cuff you for NO valid reason, you collapse. - "Where am I?" you ask as your eyes flutter open. You've just fainted* from another severe episode of severe panic attack combined with ultra vivid flashbacks so real no one would understand you! For a moment, you think you're safe, until the police who didn't believe you come by your bedside to let you know, "After you're all patched up, we're taking to the detention center for battery." Your worst fear has come to life! Had there been security cameras in place at the library, you would've been able to go home earlier that day.

End Scene

Sounds drastic? Far fetched? Ridiculous even?

That scenario is based on my life as I've endured & come to know it ever since my ex happened.

I DO NOT want that scenario for anyone! Everyone deserves to fell safe & protected where they choose to study & further better their lives, especially when you know you deserve a break in life!

Scenario Two: The "James I. Gibson" Library Gets Funding For Cameras! Through Signatures To Bring Support To The Table!"

By: Katrina Charron Bosley

Your best friend left you a note on the fridge of your dorm stating, "Went to the library to turn in the Chromebook! I'll be back before we go camping! - Sarah" You go about your day, starting with picking up around the dorm & catching up on eMails. A few hours go by, & you notice you still haven't heard back from your friend. You grow very worried, because you guys don't reside far. "She only went to turn in that Chromebook ..." you think to your self. No matter what you do to remain productive & positive, something just ain't sitting right! You call your friend several times, & there's no answer. You call the library, & there's no answer. You shout, "That's it! I'm going down there!" You race to the library, leaving a trail of dust from the Nevada desert dirt in little cloud puffs behind you. Upon your arrival, you see a ton of cop cars & an ambulance present! "Oh no! Sarah!" you exclaim. You rush past everyone to get to your best friend! "Sarah!" you say with immense relief to know she's alive. "What happened?!" you asked. "A guy showed up looking for someone & thought it was me. He pushed me down to the ground, but I'm fine. The library staff immediately called the police & had someone start pulling footage to get a shot of the dude's face. They're positive they can make an arrest thanks to the cameras here catching his face when he attacked me." Sarah explains to you. "Yeah! Thank goodness for those cameras! I'm so glad you're okay! I don't know what I'd do without you, Sarah!" you say.

End Scene

As you can see, having security cameras in place for our beloved personnel at the "James I. Gibson" library can only be a positive addition.

Security cameras are already in place (& have been) at several Las Vegas branches; they help mitigate theft of library property, domestic disputes, & deter sick people from stalking & or worse, because NOBODY wants to be caught on camera when they know they're doing wrong!

In conclusion, I know if we all come together we can help this very popular branch of Henderson libraries get security cameras in place to not only mitigate the currently untraceable theft of their rightful property, but that will, moving forward, ensure all patrons & friends of Henderson libraries feel more secure in knowing at least tech will have our back!

For even more information & a few detailed proposals on how we can come together to make this happen, please consider visiting my official website:

If either of my original scenario stories (or my personal story) has moved you, please consider signing this petition today to help me show the Henderson Library Board of Trustees that our beloved Henderson community needs this peace of mind put in place, for the safety of our loved ones, for the safety of our future in which our local libraries foster; our children!

Disclaimer: Henderson Libraries is NOT affiliated with this petition in any medium! This petition is hosted by Katrina Charron Bosley with the sole intent to be able to bring support from the local community to the Henderson Libraries Board of Trustees, so they can make this a priority for our friends & beloved staff at the "James I. Gibson" library! Furthermore, for avoidance of doubt, this petition is NOT endorsed nor sponsored by any branch of Henderson Libraries. Thank you!


The Issue

Today, I was met with the following jaw-dropping discovery; our beloved "James I. Gibson" library in Henderson, Nevada doesn't have any cameras in place as a security measure! I was told this by a male employee this morning (Wednesday, January 15, 2025; my arrival being not long after they opened as per my usual 1-2 per week), upon him telling me "two out of three games are "missing". This highly offended me & upset me, because (between you & me, not only did I have a really strange bad spiritual leveled natural instinct of a psychic, gut wrenching feeling that something bad was going to happen to me at the library today), BUT he & the lady also at the Front Desk area looked at me as if I were the one responsible for this issue! I'm a very honest person in life; I've been faithfully borrowing & returning, on time & or early, $200+ electronics (Chromebooks & Mobile Hotspots) for months now, as well as several upon several upon several books, & for them to cause me to emotionally breakdown, winding up in tears, over this issue that was NOT my fault, as the person who checked it out to me from where these "Stay Sharp" kits are kept, especially when placed on hold for pickup (behind the Front Desk only) told me, & I quote, "Everything's in there, so you're all set!" I've NEVER checked out one of these "Stay Sharp" kits before in my life, because I didn't know they existed until I started participating in the current challenge (Winter Reading Challenge), so how would someone like me know what was supposed to be in them? Especially when I was told, again, "Everything's in there, so you're all set!" ... Either the person who borrowed it before I ever did is to blame or someone isn't doing their job when it comes to checking these kits before they go out again. BUT this is more serious than just needing security cameras in place to prove honest people right!

I already published a new blog post to my main blog about this issue at hand, so I do highly recommend you read it as it answers commonly asked questions I've already received since I uploaded my mini-vlog about the matter on YouTube this morning (around 10:50) & took to Instagram.

That direct link is:

The commonly asked questions I've answered so far are as follows.

  1. Have you ever noticed a sign in front of your local library that reads, "SAFE PLACE"?
  2. Do other libraries in the state of Nevada have security cameras in place?
  3. Henderson seems like a pretty safe city compared to Las Vegas, Downtown Vegas & The Strip, so why should we waste any of our tax dollars / hard earned money or possible grants or even think of hosting a fundraiser to make this happen, that being measly security cameras for a library?

(You can stay up to date on the progress of this mission I'm on over on my official (& very first) website!

Scenario One: "The "James I. Gibson" library remains camera-less!"

By: Katrina Charron Bosley

You just got out of a highly abusive & immensely toxic relationship with your ex, who always lied to the police at every single chance he/she/they could get, even when you were sure the odds of him/her/them getting away with anything else were completely stacked against him. You know how bad he/she/they lies to our everyday heroes, so you always watch your six! You've been very hyper vigilant & on edge, to say the least, ever since the final split of the two of you, because despite him/her/them saying in a court of law, "I want nothing to do with her/him/them!", he/she/they has done everything to have something to do with you in one way or another. From him/her/them using the police as agents of harassment in his/her/their twisted agendas as he/she/they still dares to call you his wife/husband/SO to him/her/them stalking you irl & on various social media platforms through various social media profiles, your everyday life has become hard to wake up & face. You barely find the strength to carry on, but you still dare to write books! You still dare to do at least one thing you love, & that is you dare to still go to the library; any library! Libraries have been a place for you to de-stress, & ever since the judge told you he couldn't add your former library you went to on the daily to your protection order against your partner, you had to move to a different branch, one close to where your new partner works, so you have a place to flee to at a moment's notice! A few weeks ago by, & you see your abusive ex, who's also your current stalker at the library you've been going to, which is clearly far from his home (there's a branch walking distance from his home residence, you remember! So why on Earth is he here!) The police arrive, because he's called them on you, yet again! You're shaking like a leaf as your heart races & your vision narrows. You're having another panic attack! You try to reach for your asthma inhaler, because you're finding it hard to breathe! The police don't believe a single word you say! There's no camera footage they can watch to prove he's a liar & that you're being & have been actively stalked by this sinister individual! Nobody is willing to help a person like you who looks unapproachable due to panicking & being asthmatic, so there's "no witnesses" to save you! You're completely on your own! As you flashback to the several times he's almost gotten the police to cuff you for NO valid reason, you collapse. - "Where am I?" you ask as your eyes flutter open. You've just fainted* from another severe episode of severe panic attack combined with ultra vivid flashbacks so real no one would understand you! For a moment, you think you're safe, until the police who didn't believe you come by your bedside to let you know, "After you're all patched up, we're taking to the detention center for battery." Your worst fear has come to life! Had there been security cameras in place at the library, you would've been able to go home earlier that day.

End Scene

Sounds drastic? Far fetched? Ridiculous even?

That scenario is based on my life as I've endured & come to know it ever since my ex happened.

I DO NOT want that scenario for anyone! Everyone deserves to fell safe & protected where they choose to study & further better their lives, especially when you know you deserve a break in life!

Scenario Two: The "James I. Gibson" Library Gets Funding For Cameras! Through Signatures To Bring Support To The Table!"

By: Katrina Charron Bosley

Your best friend left you a note on the fridge of your dorm stating, "Went to the library to turn in the Chromebook! I'll be back before we go camping! - Sarah" You go about your day, starting with picking up around the dorm & catching up on eMails. A few hours go by, & you notice you still haven't heard back from your friend. You grow very worried, because you guys don't reside far. "She only went to turn in that Chromebook ..." you think to your self. No matter what you do to remain productive & positive, something just ain't sitting right! You call your friend several times, & there's no answer. You call the library, & there's no answer. You shout, "That's it! I'm going down there!" You race to the library, leaving a trail of dust from the Nevada desert dirt in little cloud puffs behind you. Upon your arrival, you see a ton of cop cars & an ambulance present! "Oh no! Sarah!" you exclaim. You rush past everyone to get to your best friend! "Sarah!" you say with immense relief to know she's alive. "What happened?!" you asked. "A guy showed up looking for someone & thought it was me. He pushed me down to the ground, but I'm fine. The library staff immediately called the police & had someone start pulling footage to get a shot of the dude's face. They're positive they can make an arrest thanks to the cameras here catching his face when he attacked me." Sarah explains to you. "Yeah! Thank goodness for those cameras! I'm so glad you're okay! I don't know what I'd do without you, Sarah!" you say.

End Scene

As you can see, having security cameras in place for our beloved personnel at the "James I. Gibson" library can only be a positive addition.

Security cameras are already in place (& have been) at several Las Vegas branches; they help mitigate theft of library property, domestic disputes, & deter sick people from stalking & or worse, because NOBODY wants to be caught on camera when they know they're doing wrong!

In conclusion, I know if we all come together we can help this very popular branch of Henderson libraries get security cameras in place to not only mitigate the currently untraceable theft of their rightful property, but that will, moving forward, ensure all patrons & friends of Henderson libraries feel more secure in knowing at least tech will have our back!

For even more information & a few detailed proposals on how we can come together to make this happen, please consider visiting my official website:

If either of my original scenario stories (or my personal story) has moved you, please consider signing this petition today to help me show the Henderson Library Board of Trustees that our beloved Henderson community needs this peace of mind put in place, for the safety of our loved ones, for the safety of our future in which our local libraries foster; our children!

Disclaimer: Henderson Libraries is NOT affiliated with this petition in any medium! This petition is hosted by Katrina Charron Bosley with the sole intent to be able to bring support from the local community to the Henderson Libraries Board of Trustees, so they can make this a priority for our friends & beloved staff at the "James I. Gibson" library! Furthermore, for avoidance of doubt, this petition is NOT endorsed nor sponsored by any branch of Henderson Libraries. Thank you!

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Petition created on January 15, 2025