UNITED NATIONS: Table THIS Resolution to expel Russia. (IT CAN'T BE VETOED.)

UNITED NATIONS: Table THIS Resolution to expel Russia. (IT CAN'T BE VETOED.)
Why this petition matters

The Russian Federation, which has never been a member of the United Nations (UN), has used a fictional "veto" to stop the UN performing its duty to maintain peace and protect human rights for 34 years, turning it into an impotent mockery.
This has allowed Russia and it's proteges to operate like gangs, spreading corruption, wars. poverty, human rights abuses, economic chaos and migration crises, with impunity.
This petition calls on the United Nations (UN) General Assembly to pass the simple resolution below, stating the facts and expelling the representatives of the Russian Federation.
We call on the governments of each and every member state to table the resolution and pass it. Urgently, without delay.
It can be tabled by any country, and voted on within a week. It only needs a simple majority of votes to pass (83% voted against Russia or abstained on 24 February 2025) , but is likely to pass unanimously.
No country will vote to give control over itself, and the only organisation which can protect it, to a terrorist regime, once the world realises the fraud which has been perpetrated since 1991.
It cannot be vetoed by Russia or any other state.
(All previous petitions to kick "Russia" out of the UN have been discredited, as impossible. This petition specifies the correct legal procedure, and wording.)
The resolution will instantly remove Russia's "immunity".
It will restore the UN's powers to militarily suppress aggression and compel peaceful dispute resolution and just outcomes.
That will quickly, legally and permanently end Putin's invasions and exploitation of other sovereign states.
It will end his protection racket, removing his power over other actors he is buying, controlling, threatening and protecting with his "get out of jail card" - a UN "veto" that hasn't existed since 1991.
And it will remove his UN disinformation megaphone confusing and dividing the whole world, re-focussing the UN on it's legal duties.
Please sign and share this petition demanding that our our governments and the United Nations do their duty. Freeing us all from the completely avoidable horror of war and the worldwide suffering it is causing. Restoring sanity, peace and justice.

The issue is very simple.
On 24 December1991 a fraud was committed which has only recently been discovered (since 2022) and is still being lied about. Unbelievable, yes. But the evidence is conclusive. The boldest fraud of all time. For the facts, law and evidence, see this article - Russia and the UN.
Since 1991 Russia has been illegally "sitting" in the United Nations, using that to break the law with impunity. Making a mockery of the World’s specially constituted security organisation, designed to stop exactly what Russia has been doing.
Like the serial murderer who gets away, it will continue until it is stopped.

The United Nations, our only organisation entitled (and required) to suppress international aggression, is protecting and enabling a terrorist state by letting it over-rule it's decision-making processes.
The UN is violating its own Charter. The UN Charter clearly sets out the requirements for membership. Non members are not permitted to vote, let alone veto resolutions.
Causing it to violate Article 24(2) of the Charter which requires the Security Council to act in accordance with the purposes and principles of the UN.
The proposed resolution should have been passed in 1991 when the UN Secretary-General illegally accepted Russian “credentials”. 1992 when Russia prevented intervention in the Yugoslavia genocide. 1994 when Russia invaded Chechnya. … 2008 when Russia invaded Georgia. ... 2014 when Russia invaded Ukraine. ... 2022 when Russia “vetoed” the decisions of ¾ of the UN’s members and the Security Council. It needs to be passed now.
The world has the ability to correct the fraud that enables Russia’s crimes. The resolution will end Putin’s power, restore the UN, and finally enforce international law. The time to act is now, before more damage and corruption occurs.

This petition is discussed at Petition to Kick Russia Out of the United Nations - the proper procedure, can't be vetoed, no reform needed | Knowledge is Power). Questions can be asked in the comments.
FAQs :
- What is a veto?
A veto is a power to override all other votes, stopping any decision from being made.
It can be used as blackmail to force decisions by threatening to block other actions. -
What is the UN and why is it important?
A functioning UN allows governments to rapidly consult, decide, and act in as little as 24 hours.
The UN is simply the governments of all peace-loving nations, working together to maintain international peace and protect human rights. It is governed by the United Nations Charter. Every country in the world has joined and agreed to the Charter, except Russia.
It enables pooling of resources for coordinated and affordable international action.
It unites the power of the whole world in enforcement such as sanctions, blockades, force deployment, and negotiations.
Its deterrence power prevents the need for actual interventions.
It prevents individual states from exploiting conflicts for their own gain.
It ensures aggressors cannot evade consequences by manipulating individual leaders.
Policies remain consistent and can be implemented long term, guided by the rules of the UN Charter regardless of changes in individual governments.In short, the UN acts as a unified impartial international police force.
What Difference does Russia being in the UN make?
The USSR's publicly stated goal was to take down the rest of the world to spread it's own regime. Unlike the democratic countries of the free world, which believed democracy would spread by example, the USSR's goal could only be achieved through subjugation.
The situation the world faces with Putin is precisely what the UN was designed to stop.
It was crippled by the USSR since the outset, starting with the USSR’s abuse of its veto to enslave the whole of Eastern Europe and commit atrocities (like the genocidal/deportation of the entire Tatar population of Crimea, resulting in the death of 43%, while it was signing the Charter).
Those abuses compelled the taking of unilateral action outside the UN in emergencies, such as to stop genocide in Yugoslavia, which were sometimes badly executed and provided the opportunity to condemn other states which did far less than the USSR did, and for entirely different motives. That enabled the USSR to polarise the world and distract from what it was doing.
The dissolution of the USSR in 1991 serendipitously ended this.
But then the 1991 fraud deceived the world into believing Russia could do the same.
Russia, like the USSR did before it, uses a (fictional) veto to block action against aggression and human rights violations, by itself and all other aggressors, including Iran, Sudan, Syria and North Korea.
It has paralysed the UN’s enforcement powers.
It uses the veto to
- buy the support of other criminal states by protecting their criminal acts.
- take control of, weaken, corrupt and exploit vulnerable states, by force, threats and blocking UN support (a recent example being blocking of aid to Sudan. 77% of Sudan’s gold exports are by Russia, from mines used as payment for “protection” from the recently renamed Wagner PMC.)
- prevent peaceful resolution of disputes, terrorism and aggression throughout the world, causing outbreak of avoidable wars
- thereby spread chaos, corruption, division and terror through the world, creating arms races, poverty and the migration crisis.
It uses its status in the UN to
- Spread disinformation, confuse and divide the world.
- Internationally launder the proceeds of it’s crimes. -
What is the General Assembly of the United Nations and why must it pass the resolution?
The General Assembly is the whole membership of the UN, the governments of the world. It is like the Parliament of a country. It has the ultimate power in the UN over everything except what has been delegated to the Security Council.
The Security Council is a committee set up to exercise limited and specific powers on behalf of the General Assembly.
The Security Council does not have any powers outside what it has been given in the Charter.
Its main powers are:
- Enforcement powers to stop aggression.
- Admitting, suspending or expelling members, under the procedures in Articles 4-6 of the Charter.
It has no power to even consider a resolution by the General Assembly stating a fact, and requiring compliance with the UN Charter.
Section 23 of the UN Charter gives 5 named states vetos over certain decisions of the Security Council.
There is no power of veto over decisions of the General Assembly on issues outside the Security Council’s limited powers.
Russia is not even one of those 5 states. It has never been given a veto.
The UN is pretending Russia can use the veto of another country, which no longer exists. - Why can't Europe, America, or China keep the peace and protect human rights?
Not one of the many actors trying to usurp the mandated function of the UN Security Council has even proposed to actually do what the UN Charter states must be done, which was agreed by every country in the UN.
Individual countries have their own shifting political agendas for attempting to intervene, restrict intervention, and impose "settlements", often dictated by short-term national interests rather than international law.
Russia's veto of UN action leaves an opening to prioritise their own interests ahead of justice, overriding the express injunction of 143/192 states members of the UN, disregarding the requirements of international law for immediate and effective suppression of aggression, punishment of crimes, victims' rights to justice and reparation, and protection of human rights.
Lack of authority and resources—no single country or alliance has the legitimacy, organizational structure, or financial capacity to enforce global security like the UN.
For 25 years placating dialogues and negotiated settlements with Putin have merely allowed him to perpetuate his agenda unopposed.
They lack both reach and permanency. Even if Europe defeats Russia militarily in Ukraine, Putin will exploit the UN veto and bully pulpit to continue his destabilization of the rest of the world, rebuild, increase support elsewhere and return stronger. The problem extends far beyond Ukraine. - How will the resolution make a difference?
The only thing enabling the Russian Federation to systematically invade and subvert sovereign nations, and spread corruption and terror, is the false belief that Russia is a member of the UN and that it holds a veto power which makes it invincible.
Putin will immediately lose that illusory “invincibility”. He cannot continue the invasion or get support, without it.
All he will have left is a tanking economy the size of Spain, and the "second strongest army in Russia”. (And resources which can be sanctioned.)
The UN will be able to use it’s powers to require all countries to participate, instead of complying by choice, to
- prevent Russia obtaining weapons or military support of any kind,
- impose economic sanctions effectively,
- deploy forces to expel Russian forces,
- take direct action against Russia itself to prevent any further - aggression,
- freeze assets and direct their use.For example:
- Instead of ever expanding its grisly "aid" empire feasting on it's breach of it's own duty. That is not what our countries pay for.
- Ban arms sales to Russia, as it did with Serbia in 1991.
- Enforce sanctions, preventing countries like North Korea from supplying Russia with weapons and components.
- Implement a global blockade, cutting off Russia’s access to financial and military resources.
- Deploy peacekeeping forces—.
- Close the skies—any Russian aircraft entering Ukrainian airspace would be shot down.
The UN can do it’s duty to stop Putin and his proteges’ aggression and human rights abuses, enforce penalties for crimes and enforce reparation..
With unanimity of action, his access to resources disappears and his economy and capability for aggression will collapse.
Without the credibility of a UN propaganda platform, Russia can no longer manipulate global narratives.
The UN will be forced to fulfill its duty—suppressing aggression, protecting human rights, and preventing further atrocities.
- Ending it's self-deterrence. - How is Russia not a member of the UN? The law and facts, with sources linked, is explained in Images - Russia and the UN.
Briefly, as recited in the resolution above, Russia has never joined the UN. When the USSR was dissolved, its UN memberships legally ceased to exist. Boris Yeltsin fraudulently claimed to “continue” the defunct memberships, bypassing the admission requirements of Article 4 of the UN Charter and attempting to gain the defunct veto. It was passed off as a "name change".
The UN Secretary General, responsible for circulating correspondence, advising the members on the law, and ensuring proper procedures are followed, instead hid the letter which contained the fraudulent claim, changed the USSR's name to Russia without any authorisation from the USSR, and allowed Russia to illegally participate.
The membership was never notified of what happened. The letter first came to light in 2022. The Secretary's files remain withheld to this day.
Established international law since 1947 confirms that when a member state dissolves, its membership ends, and “new” states which were formerly part of a member’s territory must apply for admission. - How will the resolution be passed?
Any UN member state or the Secretary-General can table it, at an emergency session.
A simple majority vote is required. Abstentions are not counted, so if all except 20 abstain, 11 votes will pass it.
Once tabled, it will almost certainly pass unanimously. After the world becomes aware of the 1991 fraud, no country would willingly give power over itself, and the only agency which can protect it, to an unstable violent dictatorship.
The only reason it has not been passed before now is that everyone believes the disinformation that Russia is a member and it's removal is impossible, will be vetoed, requires a 2/3 majority, requires "reform" of the UN. None of which are true. See Kremlin lies #5 - "No-one is Interested in Kicking Russia out of the UN" | Knowledge is Power - Can the resolution be vetoed? No. As fully explained in Images- Russia and the UN, vetos can only stop Security Council decisions on limited topics which are specified in the UN Charter. The Security Council does not have jurisdiction to rule on this resolution, which simply confirms a fact, and requires expulsion of trespassers which is not one of those topics.
- Doesn't the UN need to be reformed to kick Russia out?
No. Russia itself does not need to be "kicked out", because it is not a member. It's representatives can and must be expelled like any other trespassers.
The UN Secretariat should have enforced this, but instead, it colluded in the fraud. This resolution simply forces the Secretariat to do its job.
In fact, the UN would have to be reformed to allow Russia in without going through the procedures required by the UN Charter, or to give it a veto. - Why does nobody know this? A concerted campaign of deception has concealed fraud since 1991. Several strands of it are summarised at Overview - an outline of Russia and the UN articles - how to kick Russia out of the UN EASILY.
- Does the delay make any difference? No. As explained in Images-Russia and the UN.
Precedent exists—the Republic of China unlawfully exercised China’s memberships and veto for over 20 years when it had no right to participate in the UN because it wasn’t the actual government of China, before being removed. The correction can happen at any time. - Should Russia be allowed to participate in the UN because it has nukes, or to "keep communication channels open"?
No. Nuclear capability is not a qualification for membership. Membership is only for peaceful nations committed to enforcing the Charter—not terrorist states violating it.
Allowing it a platform to lie to the membership and the public does not achieve communication. The only proper and effective communication with Putin is available through the UN dispute resolution and enforcement procedures in Chapters 7 and 8 of the UN Charter.
If Russia wishes to participate in the UN, it must apply for membership and satisfy the requirements of Article 4 of the Charter. - What happens if the resolution is lost? ? Nothing is lost.
Tabling it will expose the fraud to the world.
If it is lost (which will not happen), it can be reintroduced repeatedly until public pressure ensures its passage. - What will happen if the resolution is passed?
Putin immediately loses his immunity. His power dissolves overnight.
His war efforts collapse. Without a "get out of jail card" veto protection, he cannot continue invading, controlling and exploiting sovereign nations.
His alliances fall apart. Iran, North Korea, and other rogue states lose their shield.
Russia is forced to cooperate. To regain trade and international privileges, it will have to reform—just as Serbia and Montenegro did.
The UN regains its purpose. It can finally enforce peace, resolving global conflicts rather than enabling them.
Without Russia’s veto and disruption, the UN can enforce peace everywhere, ending wars, resolving disputes peacefully and fairly through negotiation or the International Court of Justice, while protecting Israel, Palestine, Lebanon and Syria collectively, stabilizing Sudan, Yemen etc.
Diverting global resources from 16 ongoing armed conflicts and up to 150 territorial disputes, to peaceful economic growth—eliminating poverty and ending the migration crisis. - Will the world lose Russian resources if the resolution is passed? No. The resources are not going anywhere. Russia, in whatever form it may take, needs trade. The only threat to availability of Russian resources is the illegal wars it instigates.
- Will Russia become worse if the resolution is passed? No. In order to trade and have other normal political and economic privileges, Russia will have no alternative but to become a peaceful member of the international community, as Serbia and Montenegro did when they were required to apply for UN membership. So will North Korea, Iran and other problem countries, after Putin's veto protection is gone.
- Will the UN be taken over by dictators and "others" if Russia is expelled? No, this is another myth patently contrary to evidence.
Anyone still believing this myth should watch some United Nations proceedings. The only dictatorship which has taken over the UN is Russia.
The UN's focus is very narrow, on maintaining international peace and human rights. It has no power to intervene in any country except for that purpose.
3/4 of the world's governments voted to demand Russia withdraw from Ukraine. Even countries under Russia's control did not support it, but abstained. Less than 3% supported Russia.
92% of the 66 "not free" countries of the world, refused to support Russia.
In fact, freed from the chaos caused by Russian "vetos", the UN can return to it's other core mission, promoting democracy and human rights..
What we can be very sure of is that if Russia is not expelled, corruption, dictatorships and disruption of the UN and the world will increase. - Won't China (or Trump) block UN intervention in Ukraine, and elsewhere?
Putin may withdraw once he realizes there is no way to win.
China and others gain nothing by siding with a powerless Putin.
They rely on global trade and won’t risk economic isolation.
The Security Council will be able to take realistic practical measures to peacefully resolve disputes taking account of the needs of all parties (formerly blocked by Russia), removing the need for vetos. - What is Russia doing wrong? Isn't it liberating Russian speakers from a Nazi dictatorship which took over by a coup, and defending itself from NATO?
Even if true, it is a completely separate issue from the need for the UN to stop violating international law and it's own Charter.
It would be an issue for the UN to deal with. And indeed, UN investigated those allegations and found none of them were true.
Those allegations are part of the web of disinformation woven by the Kremlin to cover up Putin's real motive, which is to remove the elected government of Ukraine, and control it's people, to prevent to prevent them destroying Putin's global hegemony by exposing the UN fraud, taking away his immunity. That is the real "existential threat". It has been obvious since 2022 from Putin's insistence on the removal of it's popular elected President Zelensky personally, and near complete removal of Ukraine's defence forces, refusing to accept offers of everything else he demanded.
Most of the disinformation actually describes Russia - a standard propaganda technique to confuse people.
Ukraine was a peaceful democratic nation with a 75% Russian speaking population (including the current President Zelensky), and one of lowest Nazi/far right influences in the world. No Russian speakers were oppressed.
NATO is a purely defensive agreement between peaceful states, to protect each other against invasions.
Neither had threatened Russia militarily in any way.
There were 2 coups in Ukraine, in 2014: violent overthrows of 2 democratically elected administrations by Russia, in Crimea and Donbas/Eastern Ukraine (see Kremlin Lies #4 "Crimea and Donbas are Russian": the real surveys.)The Ukrainian government was not overthrown in a coup—its President was impeached by it's Parliament (including his own party) and replaced through elections.
Since 2022 when Ukraine's Parliament approved martial law, due to invasion, Ukraine's Constitution, like most other countries', forbids elections. The President is forced to continue, whether he wishes to or not, or leave the country without a President.
THIS is the truth of what Russia is doing, while you are reading this, to millions of people, mostly Russian speakers Putin tells the world he is "liberating", in one peaceful democratic country that did absolutely nothing. Just one of the many victims of his "veto": Add Palestine, Israel, Lebanon,Yemen, many African countries he has blocked aid and protection to, sponsoring terror.
He has no power to call elections, that is the the power of Parliament. To suggest he "refused" to call elections is ridiculous anyway, when his popularity levels are higher than many other elected leaders.)

Any other questions? Leave a comment on Substack and I will answer it here.
Thank you for caring about your world.

Decision makers
- UNASUR Union of South American Nations
- ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations