23 de julho de 2021
Petição para
Division of Family and Children Services e
Assinaturas: 7.840Próxima meta: 10.000
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A importância deste abaixo-assinado

Iniciado por Carley Evans

Millie Brown. No, no “Bobby”. In fact, that is why we are here today.

The third of four children, Millie Bobby Brown is a 17-year-old British actress, model and producer, daughter of Robert and Kelly Brown. She started her career back on 2013, in the ABC fantasy drama series Once Upon a Time in Wonderland when she was only 9 years old. All changed in her life in 2015, when she was casted as Eleven in a new Netflix production series called Stranger Things. Since then, Millie is everywhere, but she is not alone. (At least, not in the financial matter.)

Let’s go back for a while…

When Millie was trying to make a living from acting, it was not easy. At first, Millie was taken away from school, getting a homeschooling education instead. Nowadays, she claims that she got bullied, but somehow, she doesn’t remember why or what was said to her back then. Her parents sold everything in order to move to Hollywood, but she was not getting any starring roles so they moved back to UK, completely broke. Her last chance to acting happened to be in Stranger Things, and gladly, she got it.

Why are we talking about Millie now? Because maybe she needs help. Millie Bobby Brown could be surrounded by a very familiar-faced enemy (which makes everything worse): Her own family.

It is hard to be famous in a such young age. We’ve seen frequently many young artists getting lost for not receiving the right amount of attention and the support from good people. Growing up in a public eye implies many things such as being constantly sexualized, web-bullied or even finding their selves caught in an internal competition about your capacities and skills. Also, this digital era doesn’t help to fight this feeling, trapping them in bubbles made from likes and harsh words typed by anonymous people. But also, when young famous people like Millie are surrounded by manipulative, greedy, careless people, it could be hard for them to see other reality, especially when this bad intentioned people could be the ones living in her own house, controlling her finances. That would be a terrible scenario.

Unfortunately, recent events might show to us (once again) that her legal representatives/family, doesn’t care about Millie.

On July 12th, the 21-year-old Tiktok star Hunter Ecimovic claimed during a livestream that he’d sexually “groomed” Brown, making a series of lewd comments about her. For those who doesn’t know, “grooming” is about making a child think that abuse and exploitation is normal, or that they have no choice. Offenders do this by building a relationship and emotional connection with the child, gaining power over them or inducing them to keep a secret.

Hunter defended himself by saying that “he didn’t do nothing wrong because her parents knew about it.” Leaked pictures posted on Instagram proved that Hunter was in fact on Millie’s house, but he decided to go far beyond the line by describing nasty experiences and saying that he actually lived in her house for a few months. Whether the experiences being true or not, according to the Ecimovic, he was contacted for the first time by Kelly Brown, Millie’s mother. On social media, users got furious about Ecimovic sexualizing a minor and asked for Millie’s equally guilty parents to be investigated. In all matters, Hunter was not the only one grooming Millie. On the next day, Brown’s representatives commented about the case by saying:

“Mr. Ecimovic’s remarks on social media are not only dishonest, but also are irresponsible, offensive and hateful. Instead of engaging in a public discourse with him through the press or on social media, we are taking action to ensure that he stops this behavior once and for all.”

What was dishonest? It was not mentioned. Did they take actions to shut Hunter’s mouth? Yes. Ecimovic’s accounts on social media such as TikTok, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat are currently disabled. What about Millie’s parents? No, no investigation. Hunter got punished, but not by the police as he should’ve. If was all about dishonesty, leak of responsibility and hate, why would her family and management make such a poor statement about it? Why it looks like they wouldn’t care less for Millie?

Because it’s not the first time that non-ordinary situations (even illegal ones) happened on the Brown’s Family.

Back on Millie’s birthday on 2020, her family thought it was a good idea to a 16-year-old teenager celebrate her birthday on a restaurant/bar called Sheesh Restaurant (@sheeshchigwell). The establishment is strictly over 18, and the bar is over 21. “The Zebra Bar” is the heart of a striptease show, with men and women performing sexual behavior on stage. Millie (16), her parents, and her 8-year-old little sister Ava were there. Their pictures were posted on the restaurant social media, but it was taken down after people start to realize that Millie and her sister were watching a striptease show. The post celebrating Brown’s birthday was also deleted. On the “Sheesh” website, we can also see that Millie was there in the year before too, during the 21s night again.

On 2018, Millie got in the Access Hollywood by saying that she (13-year-old then) and the 34-year-old rapper Drake were close enough to that Drake gives her dating advice. Both of them met in Australia, after her father introduce them. Once again, when people started to make assumptions about the weird essence of the friendship, Drake seemed to step back from her life and Millie never talked about him again.

The ambition of the Brown’s family could’ve been implied back on 2016, when Stranger Things wasn’t even a big deal. Robert Brown was under fire for 'demanding a $100,000 fee from agents to represent Millie. It is worth to mention that it seems that all of Millie’s love relationships were influencers or had a millionaire inheritance.  

What kind of dating experience has a “rule book”? Apparently, Millie’s, since all of her four past openly-public relationships followed the same scripted events. She didn’t seem happy to relate herself with boys that were attached to a “Big Moment”, often showing herself happier without them. After Hunter Ecimovic’s statement about Millie’s family being the responsible of seeking boys for their daughter, it is not crazy to think that all the other staged relationships were maybe promoted by her family.

These unfortunate events made us wonder why would a girl bring her therapy dog to a date with a new boyfriend or even why would Millie’s manager be in the family vacation? Specifically, the one vacation that suddenly made Brown fell in love with the son of a rich national hero?

According to the Ph.D Jason Whiting from “Psychology Today”, through grooming and abusive relationships it is possible to: distort the thoughts of the victim by controlling them or making them doubt of their selves; making the victim feel that she has no value without the aggressor in their lives or made them feel that they owe something to the aggressor and they need to “pay it back”. Isolation is also a good way for the abusers persuade, cutting ordinary experiences and reframing moments, perspectives or even dreams from the victim’s life with the promise of someday letting them free of this situation.

This petition is about justice. It is about investigate something really odd about the Brown family. It is about Millie’s wellbeing.

Quoting her longtime co-worker David Harbour, "My hope is that she can remain grounded and protected as much as possible not only from her immediately family but from her extended family in the show and also from her family on the press as well. I do think that she requires an amount of protection that I don't know if she is gonna be giving, we'll see, the jury is out. I think she is the crosshair of something extremely dangerous that nobody seems to being paying attention to it, I think that the developing mind of someone who gets this famous and has still a brain that is not fully developed is an extremely difficult thing to navigate and I hope that she gets the help that she needs.”


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