Bandung Message to Global Leaders and Citizens on Climate Crisis and Disability

Bandung Message to Global Leaders and Citizens on Climate Crisis and Disability
Why this petition matters

Bandung Message to Global Leaders and Citizens on Climate Crisis, Disability and Social Inclusion
People with disabilities are vulnerable to change.
Physical mobility limitation, which will decrease over time, will be exacerbated by the climate crisis which has an accumulative impact on various hydrometeorological disasters.
A lack of a serious commitment to the Paris Agreement shows a lack of empathy for people with disabilities and the elderly, whose number in the world is approaching two billion.
Funding support through a "loss and damage" scheme for countries and vulnerable groups is a good initial step. However, its implementation must be monitored to ensure it directly impacts vulnerable groups.
An inclusive life must be an ideal that continues to be fought for, and practised in everyday life. NO ONE LEFT BEHIND reflects efforts and hopes that people with disabilities and the elderly will be taken into account in efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change. However, this effort must be accompanied by NOTHING ABOUT US WITHOUT US. These are the two essential principles that must be the foundation.
The Convention of Human Rights, Persons with Disabilities is a UN convention that fights for disabled people and the elderly. The convention, which aims to meet sustainable development goals (SDGs), has been translated into various regulations, both at the national and sub-national levels. This then becomes a normative foundation, and its consistency must be maintained and its realization must be accelerated.
The various shortcomings that have occurred have limited the interests of disabled and elderly residents. We are all responsible for continuing to improve it. Both government and non-government actors must be at the forefront in realizing this ideal.
Bandung, 10 December 2023
Farhan Helmy
President of DILANS-Indonesia (Disabled and Elderly people movement)
Decision Makers
- Dr. Ir. Siti Nurbaya Bakar, M.ScMenteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan
- Ganjar PranowoGubernur Jawa Tengah