Create a closed Nature Reserve around The Warburton Tree & relocate the car park

Create a closed Nature Reserve around The Warburton Tree & relocate the car park

3 April 2023
Signatures: 469Next goal: 500
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Why this petition matters

Started by Ravenna Keller

We ask that the Yarra Ranges Council (YRC) acknowledge the high habitat significance of the Warburton Tree, a Mountain Grey Gum located at 3457A Warburton Highway, Warburton - and commit to safely retaining as much of the tree as possible.

The YR Council's own tree policy - Article 2.1 "Avoid Tree Removal" has the objective: "All available alternatives will be explored to retain trees and avoid and minimise unnecessary tree removal."

Furthermore, the policy goes on to state "This may include relocation of existing assets such as paths, carparks and playgrounds, where there are public risk concerns."

We propose that in order to balance the interests of wildlife habitat and human safety, the carpark beneath the The Warburton Tree be relocated, and an exclusion zone be fenced off beneath the tree's canopy.

The exclusion zone would be ideally utilised by turning it into a Nature Reserve - allowing the Tree's roots to decompress and access more water, increasing the health of the tree, the amenity to wildlife, and beautifying our town.

Most importantly, the exclusion zone would allow for more of the tree to be kept in good health, if the council deem modification of the tree necessary for public safety.

We want all options considered to retain this landmark Old Growth Habitat Tree of great social, historical and ecological significance.

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Signatures: 469Next goal: 500
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