Don't let Touken Ranbu's global Honmaru disappear! 海外の刀剣乱舞本丸を消さないでください! 請不要讓刀劍亂舞的國際本丸消失!

Don't let Touken Ranbu's global Honmaru disappear! 海外の刀剣乱舞本丸を消さないでください! 請不要讓刀劍亂舞的國際本丸消失!

July 2, 2023
Petition to
Nitroplus and
Signatures: 2,006Next Goal: 2,500
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Why this petition matters

Started by Megan Cho


 Available in English, Japanese 日本語, and Traditional Chinese 繁体中文_______________________________________________________________________________


         Since its release in 2015, Touken Ranbu has allowed hundreds of thousands of people to interact with parts of Japanese history that they would never have encountered otherwise, helping forge connections and enriching the world directly because of it. At first glance, it is a simple browser game about personified historical swords, but it is designed so that each account, each Honmaru, is its own universe. Within those digital walls, the player, or Saniwa, grows with their swords, who in turn become stronger, protect history, and explore the heart of human existence. Every Saniwa’s Honmaru develops a unique story, woven lovingly by the game designers–and its players have responded to that love in kind, not only in Japan, but all over the world.

        When the English server of Touken Ranbu was announced in 2021, many international fans were delighted to finally be able to play the game after so many years. Their support of the game could be seen in Touken Ranbu winning all of its nominated awards in Johren’s 2021 Game Awards. A year afterwards, the Traditional Chinese server was opened on Johren as well. With the global release, the Touken Ranbu community has only grown, and with it, their support for Japanese history and culture.
         Our connection to history has expanded because we have made our own in this game. But all of this is about to disappear.

The Problem
      On June 27, 2023, two months after the English game’s 2nd anniversary and 7 days after the Traditional Chinese game’s 1st anniversary, both the English and Traditional Chinese servers of Touken Ranbu -Online- announced their End of Service. It came without warning, and was only obliquely announced on the social media account and not anywhere else. In the single announcement, there was no apology or regret. According to the in-game notice, the hosting platform, Johren, is downsizing its catalog, and will therefore terminate service for the English and Traditional Chinese servers. For reasons undisclosed, data transfer was blithely dismissed due to region lock, so every single Honmaru in these global servers is slated to disappear forever. 



      This announcement was abrupt and devastating to thousands of Saniwa, who have poured their time, money, and hearts into their own little universes. In an experience centered around fighting for history, our histories are going to be unceremoniously erased. Are we not a valued player base? Was all of our combined time and money truly worth so little to both companies? While Johren markets itself as a hentai gaming platform, we willingly gave it a chance out of respect for this long-standing series. But to this day, Touken Ranbu remains the only female-oriented game offered there, and for such a beloved franchise to be jettisoned so casually and callously is simply irresponsible. It is grossly disrespectful to not only the global players, but also the Japanese fans, the original developers, and everyone involved all over the world. We believe that something can, and should, be done.

What do we want?

        We have but one request, to both N+ and Johren: please let us save our Honmaru.

 Our accounts are more than useless data. We are more than just majority-female casual players. Our great love shouldn’t be thrown away so blindly.

        The international fans of Touken Ranbu have not had a chance to show their passion for this game in many years. On the Japanese side, sales are boosted by merchandise and a number of well-loved spinoff franchises; but internationally, the last full international promotional campaign was Katsugeki Touken Ranbu in 2017. We understand that Touken Ranbu's business model makes hosting the game financially challenging. But we love this game, and we believe it is worth the time and money. We offer some suggestions that we would gladly comply with:

  • The players who wish to transfer data fill out forms and waivers to release our information to N+. They then automate creation of accounts with matching data on the JP server, and gives access to the corresponding account to the player, especially if they are a Japanese resident.
  • The EN and TCN games become mobile-only, removing the browser aspect entirely, and circumventing some region-locking. 
  • Crowdfund the necessary amount to migrate to a new hosting service.
  • Johren modifies its gameplay payment methods, such that players pay a subscription fee to continue to access some Johren games (and by extension, Touken Ranbu online). 
  • Remove the translation aspect if it is too costly, and continue by using the Japanese language directly while keeping the same servers and data.

We are a large, committed, and internationally organized fanbase, and we want to continue supporting everyone involved, if we are only given a chance. 

To the readers: 

  • If you are an EN or TCN game player: please add your voice, in your language + Japanese, to the testimonials below. Share with us not only your experience, but your merch collections or other money sinks, as well as the related places you’ve been or the bonds you’ve made with others. The time you’ve spent with Touken Ranbu in these languages matters, no matter what happens, and we want you to be seen with us, too. 
  • If you are a JP player only: Thank you. You are our seniors, and our inspiration. These past 8 years you have organized and supported and become respected, and we want to follow your example to be as amazing as you. We from overseas have come to love Japanese history too, because of the efforts you’ve made to support these series all this time. Please join your voices with ours to help us keep loving this series and Japan!
  • If you are not a player: this is more than just some game. This is a chance to prove that overseas fans matter too, and that cruelly ending things we love should not be normal. We are all a group of people with passion that deserves to be heard. If you think so too, please join this petition!
  • To the employees of N+ and Johren, we have seen your efforts through the years, and we are grateful. All we want is to continue walking forward with you. We ask you to witness our numbers and our sincerity, and implore you to work together to continue the Honmarus of the English and Traditional Chinese servers. Please allow us to protect our history.












『刀剣乱舞』の海外ファンは長年、このゲームに対する情熱を示す機会がありませんでした。 日本国内ではグッズや多くの人気のメディアミックスによって支援を得ていますが、インターナショナルのキャンペーンは2017年のアニメ『活撃 刀剣乱舞』以来です。サーバーにホストするのは財政的に困難であると理解しているつもりです。ですが、私たちは『刀剣乱舞』が大好きです。それなりの時間とお金をかける価値があると思っています。それに伴い、以下の提案を提供いたします。

  • アカウントデータの転送を希望する方々は、必要な書類を記入し、アカウント情報をニトロプラスに渡し、そのデータを日本語版のサーバーに転送していただき、プレイヤーにアクセス情報を提供していただくこと
  • 英語版と繁体字版のブラウザ版を消し、モバイル専用とすること
  • 新しいホスティングサービスにゲームを移動し、必要な資金はクラウドファンディングで集めること
  • Johrenがゲームプレイの支払い方法をサブスクリプション方式に変更し、『刀剣乱舞』はサブスクリプションのみでアクセス可能にすること
  • 翻訳費用がかかりすぎるのであれば、翻訳側面を取り除き、同じサーバーとデータを維持したまま、日本語を直接使用することで継続すること



  • 英語版・繁体字版のプレイヤーの皆様へ、あなたの応援が必要です!関連グッズの写真や他の審神者と繋がりを築いた思い出の場所など、皆様の体験や経験を書き込んでいただきたいです。皆様がかけた『刀剣乱舞』への時間と愛は、どんなに小さくても貴重な情報です。私たちの歴史を守るために共に戦いましょう!
  • 日本の審神者の皆様には感謝を伝えきれないほどにありがたいです。『刀剣乱舞』を支え続けてきたこの8年間、皆様は深く尊敬できる先輩であり、インスピレーションでもあります。皆様の例に倣いたいと思っています。日本のとうらぶファンがずっとこの作品を応援してきたお陰で海外のファンにも愛情が伝わり、日本の歴史や文化に興味を持つことができました。私たちがこの作品を愛し続けるためにも、皆様の声をお借りできないでしょうか。応援のご協力、お願いいたします!
  • プレヤーではない皆様にも一言:私たちにとって『刀剣乱舞』はただのゲームではありません。これは、海外のファンも大切であること、そして私たちが愛するものを残酷に終わらせるのはなってはならないことだと伝える大事なチャンスです。私たちは情熱を持った熱心なグループです。ぜひご協力とご参加をお願いいたします。
  • そしてニトロプラスとJohrenの関係者の皆様、長年のご尽力に感謝を申し上げます。私たちは願うのは皆さんと共に歩み続けることだけです。私たちの人数と誠意をご理解くださいますようお願いします。英語と繁体字中国語サーバーの本丸の継続ために、団結してで協力をお願い申し上げます。どうか私たちの歴史を守らせてください。




「刀劍亂舞 Online」自從於2015年開始營運至今已經吸引衆多玩家,以獨特的渠道讓他們得以接觸日本的歷史與文化,進而令世界更爲瞭解日本傳統文化。雖然乍看之下它只不過是個以日本名刀為主題的角色養成網頁遊戲,但是遊戲企劃讓每個遊戲帳號,也就是每個本丸都構成屬於玩家自己的獨立世界。在「刀劍亂舞 Online」的遊戲世界中,玩家(或稱「審神者」)與角色一起成長以及變得更強大,在培養角色的過程裡既守護歷史也探索人心和人性的經歷。每一位審神者的本丸都有獨一無二的故事,超越國境並遍及世界角落。

「刀劍亂舞 Online」英文版伺服器在2021年宣布即將開放的消息令國際玩家的精神爲之一振,他們終於可以在日本伺服器營運多年後親自體驗這個影響深遠的遊戲。玩家們的支持可以通過刀劍亂舞贏得Johren2021年度的遊戲大賞窺知一二。刀劍亂舞 Online」繁體中文版在隔年的2022年6月21日同樣在Johren平台上開放。全球發行讓「刀劍亂舞 Online」玩家社群成長,對日本歷史文化的支持和熱愛也隨之增加。


在2023年6月28日(台灣時間),也就是「刀劍亂舞 Online」繁體中文版首個週年慶7天之後以及「刀劍亂舞 Online」英文版迎來第二個週年慶的兩個月之後,「刀劍亂舞 Online」繁體中文版和英文版營運團隊經遊戲內公告發佈停止營運的消息。沒有任何預先的警告也不見於任何其它平台上,在遊戲營運的官方推特帳號僅有語焉不詳的寥寥數字。在只有遊戲內才發表的公告中,營運方沒有表達任何抱歉或遺憾之意。根據公告,Johren決定縮小經營範圍,因此將終止繁體中文版和英文版的服務。出於無法公佈的原因,繁體中文版和英文版的玩家資料的遷移被輕率地否決了,故此位於這兩個伺服器的每一個本丸都面臨煙消雲散的命運。

突如其來的公告對衆多審神者來說無疑是晴天霹靂,他們將心血、時間和金錢傾注於小小的本丸世界中,卻將失去一切。在這個以守護歷史爲信念的遊戲體驗中,審神者們自己的歷史卻要被毫不留情地删除。難道海外玩家被當成毫無價值嗎?難道所有審神者積累的時間、金錢與心血對兩個遊戲公司來說一文不值?Johren是一個主打為R18遊戲的平台,但審神者們因著對「刀劍亂舞 Online」的情感仍然樂於使用該平台的服務。直至今日,「刀劍亂舞 Online」仍然是該平台唯一的女性向遊戲,將如此一個廣受喜愛的遊戲以這麼草率和冷酷的方式拋棄完全是不負責任的行為。這不僅是對全球玩家的蔑視,也是對日本玩家、遊戲開發者和所有相關者的不尊重。我們認爲必須盡力付出行動來改變這個情況。


我們的帳號早已不是無意義的數位資料。刀劍亂舞的粉絲群體不只限於以女性爲主體的休閒玩家。我們對「刀劍亂舞Online 」的喜愛不該被如此盲目的拋棄。

多年來,刀劍亂舞的海外粉絲從未獲得展現他們熱情的機會。在日本内,刀劍亂舞可以透過週邊產品和授權商品獲得大量營收;然而在海外,最後一個全球性的大型推廣活動是2017年的「活擊:刀劍亂舞」。我們明白「刀劍亂舞Online 」的商業模式使海外經營充滿挑戰,但是我們愛這個遊戲並且認爲它值得我們付出時間和金錢。因此,我們想提出一些可行的建議:

  •   讓希望進行遊戲資料移轉至日本語伺服器的玩家填寫表格,並且允許N+使用帳戶資料。隨後,遊戲運營團隊可以於日本語伺服器自動產生對應的帳號,並且將對應的帳號資訊交給玩家(以便在日本語伺服器遊玩)。
  •  「刀劍亂舞 Online」繁體中文版和英文版變爲僅供移動設備的應用程式,徹底移除網頁版以解决鎖區的屏障。
  •  衆籌足夠的資金,使兩個海外版可以轉移至新的伺服器遊玩。
  • Johren調整遊戲支付方式,以便海外版的玩家可以通過付費訂閱制來遊玩部分Johren平台的遊戲(此處指「刀劍亂舞Online 」)。
  • 爲節省翻譯成本,可直接使用日本語版本,同時保留相同的伺服器和玩家資料。


如果你是「刀劍亂舞Online 」英文版和繁體中文版的玩家:請在下方的留言區以你的母語和日語分享你對於這個遊戲的體驗與心得這包括之前購買的週邊商品、遊戲內的花費、其它與刀劍亂舞有關的消費,和你因爲遊玩刀劍亂舞而產生羈絆的地方和同好。你與刀劍亂舞共度的時光至關重要,無論發生什麼事情,我們都希望能與你共同向世人展示對刀劍亂舞的喜愛。




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Signatures: 2,006Next Goal: 2,500
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Decision Makers

  • Nitroplus
  • Johren Johren EN
  • DMM Games