Demands for World Peace

Demands for World Peace
Why this petition matters

Key Demands for Peace and Disarmament
by Global Civil Society and the World Peace Movement
to national governments around the planet
'Multilateral government cannot solve these crises. Only Global Civil Society can solve these crises.'
Josette Sheehan, then Vice Chair, World Economic Forum, Rio+20 Summit, 2012
Multilateral institutions and national governments have failed miserably to deal with Global Heating, increasing species extinction, and the escalation of militarism and threat of nuclear war, not to mention a host of other global crises.
National governments, even in the best of the so-called 'democracies' are captured by the powerful lobbies of the military-industrial complex and the fossil fuel corporations among others. Political parties are happy to take political donations (bribes) and take up Board and consultancy positions with these fossil fuel companies and weapons manufacturers.
But! Global Civil Society and the World Peace Movement is rising to demand change despite the draconian new laws enacted to suppress peaceful protest, and despite suppression of issues in the capitalist-controlled mainstream media.
To make clear to national governments around the planet what we, Global Civil Society and the World Peace Movement, want in terms of ending perpetual war, rolling back militarism, and deconstructing the military-industrial complex, we are providing a specific list of demands to begin with.
We call on all citizens of Planet Earth to sign and hence endorse this list of demands.
Primary Demands of Global Civil Society and the World Peace Movement
1. Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) signed and ratified by all countries by 2027. Dismantle all nuclear weapons by 2030.
2. Peace in Palestine.
2.1 Immediate enduring ceasefire in Gaza and permanent withdrawal of all Israeli Occupation Forces from Palestine!
2.2 Return all Palestinian hostages held in Israel and all Israeli hostages held in Gaza.
2.3 Implementation of a two-state solution in Israel and Palestine by 2028 according to the 1967 borders with the option of a one-state solution at a later date.
2.4 Withdrawal of all illegal Israeli settlers and settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
2.5 Voluntary safe return of displaced Palestinian refugees since 1948 to their homes.
2.6 Establish an independent UN-endorsed tribunal to process land disputes.
2.7 Implement a process of Peace and Reconciliation. ‘
2.8 Prosecution by the International Criminal Court those responsible for war crimes.
2.9 Implement Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions of Israel until it agrees to demands 2.1 – 2.8
Secondary Demands of Global Civil Society and the World Peace Movement
3. Release Julian Assange. RELEASED! DEMAND 3 ACHIEVED!
4. Strengthen and update existing Peace Treaties and develop new Peace Treaties where there is a need.
5. Multilateral reduction of military expenditure (based on 2020 levels) by 50 percent by 2030, and by 80 percent by 2035.
6. Closure of all military bases on foreign soil by 2030.
7. NATO be disbanded by 2028 just as the Warsaw Pact was disbanded in 1991.
8. Dismantling of the military-industrial complex worldwide by 2040 beginning with all universities severing links with the weapons industry by 2028, followed by divestment by pension funds, banks and other asset managers. Implement a reduction in weapons exports of 10 percent per year.
9. Ban on weapons corporations making political donations, and a ban on politicians having positions on boards of weapons corporations or lobbying for weapons corporations in any way either while in office or following retirement from political life.
10. Reform of the United Nations including that no single nation member holds veto power in the Security Council.
11. That every national government establish a Department or Ministry of Peace and Disarmament by 2030.
12. That all military alliances be disbanded including NATO, AUKUS, The Quad and so on, except an alliance with all countries as part of the United Nations to counter invasion of one country against another using UN Peacekeeping Forces (except in any case where UN Peacekeeping forces fail to act - eg invasion by Vietnam of Cambodia to end genocidal Pol Pot regime).
13. That war and military conflict be declared illegal under international law and military force only be exempted when used by UN Peacekeeping Forces to end war and military conflict – to be passed by the UN by 2035.
14. That all conflict be resolved peacefully through negotiation, and using national and international laws and courts.
15. That movements for autonomy be resolved through referenda under international law requiring a two-thirds majority by native inhabitants in a series of three referenda over a period of 15 years.
16. That national governments come together twice-yearly under the auspices of the UN to hold a comprehensive Peace and Disarmament Conference which has public scrutiny and transparency, and to report on the progress of multilateral peace and disarmament negotiations.
17. That all countries become ratified State Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
18. That the UN assist in facilitating extensive negotiations in all places where there is strong separatist sentiment as a strategy to prevent conflict, as separatism has been shown to be a significant cause of war and other military conflict.
19. That conflicts in Palestine, Ukraine, Sudan, Myanmar, D.R. Congo, Haiti and West Philippine Sea/South China Sea be resolved quickly through peace negotiations, funding, and possible use of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) and/or UN Peacekeeping forces.
20. Release all political prisoners by 2030.