Students deserve clarity and respect.

Students deserve clarity and respect.

22 September 2021
Signatures: 186Next Goal: 200
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Why this petition matters

Started by MZPN Malta

The pandemic has made us appreciate normalcy more than ever. Education is one of the most important matters affecting the youth. Students have now been deprived of normal education for almost two years by being present on campus and meeting their classmates and teachers.

The start of the new school year, which began just a few days ago for many students, was seen as an opportunity to return to normalcy in education as well. However, according to media reports, nothing will change for a large number of students. They will continue to be taught virtually, although they have been vaccinated and the government is currently allowing controlled mass gatherings/activities.

As MŻPN, while we understand the logistical challenges this change will bring, having spoken to a large number of students, we join other student organisations in stressing that all educational institutions and authorities concerned should give more importance to the needs and wishes of so many hundreds of students. Whilst the easing of restrictions is a welcome step, students need a clear and concise plan for their return. Maltese students deserve a holistic university experience but also need to be given clear direction and a plan as soon as possible for mental health reasons.

As MŻPN, we stress that students must be given the full experience of university life, while reminding them that they must be given a clear direction for the rest of this academic year. This has been overlooked and leaves students and institutions in a vulnerable situation where they are playing a guessing game ahead of the new academic year. 

With proper safeguards, there is no reason why students cannot attend classes in person. 


Il-pandemija wasslitna biex napprezzaw aktar minn qatt qabel l-affarijiet li qabel konna nqisu bħala normali. Il-ħruġ, id-divertiment, il-kuntatt soċjali, u l-ħin mal-għeżież tagħna fost oħrajn. L-aktar waħda li bħala żgħażagħ wasalna biex napprezzaw aktar minn qatt qabel hija l-edukazzjoni: issa l-istudenti ilhom prattikament sentejn mċaħħda minn edukazzjoni normali, fejn jkunu preżenti on campus u jiltaqgħu ma' sħabhom u mal-għalliema.

Il-bidu ta' sena skolastika oħra ftit tal-jiem oħra għal ħafna studenti universitarji, kien qed jidher bħala opportunita biex nibdew mexjin lura lejn in-normalita fl-aspett edukattiv ukoll. Però, rapporti fuq il-mezzi tax-xandir qed jindikaw li għal numru kbir ta' studenti mhu se jinbidel xejn u se jibqgħu jiġu mgħallma b'mod virtwali minkejja li dawn ġew vvaċċinati u minkejja li preżentament il-gvern qiegħed jippermetti attivitajiet tal-massa kkontrollati.

Filwaqt li bħala MŻPN nifhmu l-isfidi loġistiċi li dan it-tibdil qiegħed iġib miegħu, l-entitajiet edukattivi u l-awtoritajiet kollha kkonċernati għandhom jagħtu aktar importanza lill-bżonnijiet u x-xewqat ta' tant mijiet ta' studenti li mhux biss jimmeritaw esperjenza ħolistika tal-edukazzjoni universitarja imma anke għal raġunijiet ta' saħħa mentali jeħtieġu mill-aktar fis possibbli li jingħataw direzzjoni u pjan ċar.

Bħala MŻPN nisħqu li l-istudenti universitarji jingħataw l-esperjenza sħiħa tal-ħajja universitarja, filwaqt li nfakkru li jeħtieġ li dawn jingħataw direzzjoni ċara għal kif se tiżvolġi din is-sena skolastika.

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Signatures: 186Next Goal: 200
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