Save Rivervalley, Ridgewood, Ashfield and Knocksedan (Brackenstown) Greenbelt

Save Rivervalley, Ridgewood, Ashfield and Knocksedan (Brackenstown) Greenbelt
Why this petition matters

The Greenbelt between Rivervalley, Ridgewood and Knocksedan (Brackenstown) is under threat of being rezoned.
Rezoning would;
- destroy a vital Greenbelt in the middle of a climate change crisis, with loss of biodiversity and increased pollution
- lead to unsustainable pressure on existing overstretched vital services e.g. schools, healthcare, transport and amenities
- merge four large estates (three existing and one new) into one concrete urban sprawl
Rivervalley, Ridgewood and Knocksedan would cease to exist as distinct communities.
There is a large surplus of residentially zoned land in Swords already, so this submission makes no sense...!
Our "Vision" is that the Greenbelt becomes an "Urban Forest", an amenity that can be accessed with walkways and cycle paths and enjoyed by the entire community. A space that promotes physical and mental health. This exciting opportunity can't happen if the Greenbelt is rezoned.
Please sign the petition to protect and retain the Greenbelt for the health and well-being of our community, for now, and for generations to come...
For more information please check out
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