Punish the dog farmer in Pohang, South Korea, for the 40 dogs burned to death!

Punish the dog farmer in Pohang, South Korea, for the 40 dogs burned to death!

October 18, 2021
Petition to
City of Pohang Mayor Lee Kang-Deok (이강덕) and
Signatures: 40,184Next Goal: 50,000
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Why this petition matters

City of Pohang, Pohang Police, Korea’s Prosecution Service: Punish the dog farmer in Pohang, South Korea, for the 40 dogs burned to death!

Click HERE to learn more and take action: https://koreandogs.org/fire-pohang-dog-farm/

Dear Mayor Lee Kang-Deok, the Pohang City Council members, Pohang Police and Korea’s Prosecution Service:

Maeil News reported on September 29, 2021,  “There was a fire at a dog farm in Pohang, Gyeongsangnam-do Province, killing all 40 dogs that were trapped in raised wire cages. According to the Pohang Northern Fire Station, a fire broke out at a dog farm located in Gwangcheon-ri, Songramyeon, Buk-gu, Pohang, around 11:30 pm on September 28. Firefighters responded to the residents’ call that they heard a loud ‘pop’, and they extinguished the fire in about 40 minutes.

There were no human casualties in this fire. However, after the fire was put out, 40 dogs (20 large dogs and 20 small dogs, possibly puppies) were discovered to have burned to death.  The fire department and other investigations confirmed that the owner converted a junk yard and an abandoned pig farm to a  dog farm. The farm owner is known to have kept dogs in raised cages to sell them for human consumption. Raised cages refer to wire cages with a hole in the bottom and standing high off the ground in order to easily dispose of the excrement of dogs trapped in there (which means the dogs spend all of their lives walking on painful wires). Police and fire departments are investigating the exact cause of the fire.”

The amount of pain and suffering these poor dogs had to endure is almost unimaginable. Even before the fire, they spent weeks, months or even years living in pure hell, being physically abused, eating only rotten garbage for food, walking on bare wires which cut into their sensitive feet, exposed to the heat of the summer without water to drink. It’s possible that they even watched their companions get brutally slaughtered in front of them while knowing they were next. Yet somehow, the worst was still to come for them. Their sensitive noses surely alerted them to the smoke, and they would have grown desperate as the flames spread closer to their cages. Their desperation would have turned to panic as they heard the agonizing screams of the first dog to burn and smelled their searing fur and skin. They could see what was happening to the other dogs. Perhaps some would have started to suffocate from the smoke, but considering they were outside, it is unlikely any of them would have died from that. More likely they would have all been very much conscious, and probably so frantic they severely injured themselves in a desperate attempt to break through the cages that had tormented them for so long. Untimely, they died a slow, horrific death as the fire burned them, one by one. We are heartbroken to learn of the fate of these dogs in Pohang. Please punish the dog farmer who violated the Animal Protection Act by keeping the helpless dogs in inhumane raised wire cages and causing their agonizing deaths.

[In Korean]

포항시, 포항경찰, 검찰청: 개 40마리를 불에 타 끔찍한 고통속에 죽게한 포항의 개농장주을 즉각 처벌해 주시길 강력히 촉구합니다.

이강덕 포항시장님과 포항시의회, 포항경찰, 검찰청에 청원합니다.

9월 29일 매일뉴스 보도입니다. “경북 포항 한 개 사육장에서 불이나 뜬장에 갇혀 있던 개 40마리가 떼죽음을 당했다.
29일 포항북부소방서 등에 따르면 전날 오후 11시 30분쯤 포항시 북구 송라면 광천리 폐돈사에서 화재가 발생했다.
'펑'하고 터지는 소리가 들렸다는 주민 신고를 받고 출동한 소방대원들은 40여 분만에 화재를 진압했다.
이 불로 인명피해는 없었다. 하지만, 진화 후 이곳 뜬장에 갇힌 대형견 20마리와 소형견 20마리 등 40마리가 불에 타 죽은 채 발견됐다…….
소방당국 등 조사에서 이곳 소유자가 사용하지 않는 폐돈사를 개 사육장과 고물 창고로 이용하고 있던 사실이 확인됐다. A씨는 개들을 식용 또는 분양 목적으로 뜬장에 가둔 것으로 알려졌다.
뜬장은 사육 동물의 배설물을 쉽게 처리하고자 밑면에 구멍이 뚫려 있고, 지면에서 떨어져 있는 철창을 말한다.
경찰과 소방당국은 정확한 화재 원인을 조사하고 있다.”

화재가 발생하기 전에도 이 불쌍한 개들이 견뎌야 했던 고통은 거의 상상할수조차 없습니다.  그들은 끔찍한 지옥에서 오랫동안 육체적, 정신적 학대를 받고 썩은 쓰레기를 먹고 맨발로 철사 위를 걷고 마실 물도 없이 여름 더위,  얼어붙은 겨울추위에 노출된 고문을 받았습니다. 그들은 심지어 동료들이 눈앞에서 잔인하게 학살당하는 것을 보고 자신이 다음 차례라는 것을 알았을 수도 있습니다. 하지만 그들에게 최악의 상황은 여전히 ​​닥쳤습니다. 그들의 민감한 코는 분명히 연기에 대해 경고했으며 화염이 뜬장 가까이로 퍼지면서 절박했을 것입니다. 그들의 절망은 처음으로 불에 타는 개가 고통스럽게 비명을 지르는 소리와 타는 털과 살 냄새를 맡았을 때 공포로 바뀌었을 것입니다.  아마도 연기에 질식하기 시작했을지 모르지만, 그들이 밖에 있었다는 점을 고려할 때 그들 중 누구도 그것으로 사망했을 것 같지 않습니다. 아마도 그들은 모두 의식이 있었고 오랫동안 그들을 괴롭혀온 뜬장에서 탈출할려고 처절하게 필사적인 시도에서 심각한 부상을 입었을 것입니다. 불에 타면서 서서히 그들은 끔찍한 죽음을 맞이했습니다. 우리는 이 뉴스를 보고 너무나 마음이 아팠습니다. 포항시와 포항경찰은 동물보호법 위반으로 개들을 잔인하게 뜬장에 가두어 이들을 상상하기도 힘들만큼 끔찍하게 고통속에 타죽게한 개 농장주를 즉각 강력히 처벌해 주실것을 촉구합니다.


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Documentary: Cruel Death of South Korea’s Dogs. Dogs Are Innocent.(한국 댕댕이 잔혹사 : 개는 죄가 없다) https://koreandogs.org/documentary-koreas-dog-cruelty/

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -Mahatma Gandhi

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Signatures: 40,184Next Goal: 50,000
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Decision Makers

  • Mayor Lee Kang-Deok (이강덕)City of Pohang
  • Council member Kang Pil-Sun (강필순)Pohang City Council
  • Council member Kim Min-Jeong (김민정)Pohang City Council
  • Council member Kim Jeong-Suk (김정숙)Pohang City Council
  • Council member Gong Suk-Hee (공숙희)Pohang City Council