Geoengineering, SAI, Chemtrails, 5G and HAARP are Killing Humanity

Geoengineering, SAI, Chemtrails, 5G and HAARP are Killing Humanity

July 20, 2023
Signatures: 219Next Goal: 500
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Why this petition matters

Started by DAVY U

Doctor Barrie Trower and Doctor Nick Begich along with thousands of other scientists, and professionals around the world have confirmed that HAARP technologies aided by 5G and Geoengineering are causing a genocidal event upon Canadians.

We the signatories to this document demand that the Canadian Government make an order to cease and desist with all HAARP, 5G, 6G, 7G, bioweapon injection, cloud seeding and  mind control as well as physical disease manipulation caused by these apparatuses within the land of Canada and its territories. We further demand that laws with serious penalties be enacted to deal with those who choose to go against this order. The Nuremburg trials ordered the hanging of more than one person. Canada should follow suit.

It is not the volume of reports it is the quality of those reports.

There is ONLY ONE TRUTH. Ignoring it will only waste time. (Harald Kautz) 

The technology to cause a wildfire using directed weaponry along with HAARP technologies, 5G, 6G, 7G, Geoengineering, SAI and Chemtrails are being used in Canada to cause major death and destruction to our forests, animals and citizenry without information or consent. This could be considered an act of war against Canada. These activities fly in the face of the agreements derived from the Nuremburg trials, to which Canada is signatory.

The fires of 2016 in Fort McMurray are suspect. Investigators have confirmed that they are arson but as yet no one has ever been arrested. There were four separate fires all started with hours around the city of Fort McMurray. Sheerly because of the knowledge and training afforded by the oil industry in that vicinity not one person died, although the damage was in the billions of dollars and some were injured. Incendiaries were found in areas where the forests were not burned.

In Quebec many wildfires in 2023 all started with an hour of each other as per the viral satellite video that was released shortly after the fires started. There have been some arrests for arson in Western Canada but little news is forthcoming from Quebec.

The claim that Global Warming can be controlled by burning the forests of Canada is at best short sighted and at worst a terrorist attack on Canada. 

Canadians need to fight back and demand that terrorists who destroy our land and animals be outlawed and recognized as terrorists before they even start. Arrests must follow.

Mexico and Connecticut, USA have both banned all Geoengineering and SAI.


Dr Barrie Trower: MICROWAVE WEAPONRY'S USE ON PEOPLE (With the deployment of HAARP [microwave] Technology) December 05, 2012

USA: Dr Tony Heller Confirms that NOAA fudged the data to indicate that Global Warming exists. (and claims that global warming does not exist)

UK: Dr Robert Ian Holmes, Global warming does not exist

Canada: Dr Tom Harris, Global warming is fictitious

CLINTEL: 1500+ Scientists and professionals sign affidavit confirming that Global Warming is not an emergency.

Please feel free to pass this petition and share the link with everyone who may be interested in saving the humanity of Canada.



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Signatures: 219Next Goal: 500
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