No Hospital in Ryans Rd Diamond Creek

No Hospital in Ryans Rd Diamond Creek
Why this petition matters
The State Govt in Victoria have decided to place a Hospital in the middle of a residential area in Diamond Creek.. We offer the below petition to Victorian Health Building Authority and Nillumbik Council to advocate to the state government on behalf of the community to consider alternatives, more appropriate sites for the community hospital than the current decision of 405 Ryans Road, Diamond Creek due to its unsuitability for a hospital based on the following reasons: no studies conducted, poor scoring of ratability, incorrect scoring of topography No impact study.. No consultation with impacted residents.. No planning permissions we are aware of.. The decision was made in stealth.. It will impact local traffic significantly.. increasing noise and creating parking issues in the area. Kids walking to School already deal with peak hour traffic. Property values could potentially drop for those homes within the vicinity of a busier and noisier Ryans Rd. Residents who live in streets off Ryans Rd will also be impacted by this decision.. The Country “feel” of this part of Diamond Creek will be lost forever. WILDLIFE USING THIS SPAVE WILL NEVER RETURN. We all support new Hospitals …but not built in the heart of a residential area! No Hospital on Ryans Rd.
Put it in a commercial space or a place where people work, play or trade... not live!
You can also join the Friends of 405 Ryans Rd Facebook Page..
Decision makers
- Victorian Health Building Authority