Reinstate Freedom for Fully Online Older Adults Classes

Reinstate Freedom for Fully Online Older Adults Classes

August 27, 2023
Signatures: 945Next Goal: 1,000
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Why this petition matters

Started by Chintamani Kansas

As a yoga and pilates instructor in New York City, I work with older adults every day.  My colleagues and I are deeply passionate about the well-being and support of our older adult population. Quality online program offerings tailored to the needs of older adults are critical to providing consistent and accessible support, especially for those who are homebound or socially isolated.

I have personally witnessed the challenges faced by older adults in my community.  Many longtime participants in my classes are unable to leave their homes due to disability, illness, risk of falling, or being primary caregivers for family members who cannot be left alone.  Being homebound can lead to decline in fitness, mobility, independence and feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Quality online classes are invaluable resources for older adults seeking intellectual stimulation, social interaction and consistent fitness and mobility options-- from the comfort, and safety, of their own homes.  Every day my class participants tell me how online programs keep them more mobile, reduce their stress and improve their well-being.

1 in 4 adults fall each year and 60 percent of the falls happen in and around the home. Virtual programming provides strength training, balance, and informative work right in their own home where they are most comfortable & vulnerable– fostering confidence in themselves and their environments, making safer adjustments in their space, and being more proactive with their own health and their family's.

I am deeply disheartened by the NYC Department for the Aging's new mandates that have hindered the accessibility and quality of these programs.  Participants who have been taking classes together– for years– are suddenly having their classes canceled, or moved to new times that don't work – due to these new mandates.  

The advent of Zoom enables programs to be in person only, virtual/online only, or "hybrid"--meaning classes are held in person, and a computer is in the room live streaming over Zoom so that people can also join online.

DFTA's new mandates require that programs funded by their grants must now be in-person, hybrid--or if the programs remain online-only–they must follow a new set of unworkable rules.

Hybrid classes present two major obstacles to senior centers:  1–they require computers and microphones.  Many senior centers do not have extra computers, microphones, and sterilization equipment available.  2–They require strong internet connections.  The strongest internet connection is a desktop computer.  WiFi is less stable, and larger spaces further reduce WiFi strength. WiFi instability compromises quality and online participants experience disruptions that negatively impact their overall experience.  Negative experiences are frustrating and decrease motivation.  Many participants simply give up, because "it just seems like it never works."  This is a terrible feeling, and leads to general distrust and lack of motivation to join new activities.

Other obstacles for senior centers include space availability, and equipment and staffing shortages.  Allowing instructors to provide activities online from home removes all of these obstacles and drastically improves program quality and participant engagement.

If we wish to increase class quality and improve participant engagement by keeping classes fully virtual/online, DFTA's mandates for that are unmanageable.  DFTA states that online programs:

1. Must take place before or after business hours -- these hours are not possible for retired seniors who care for grandchildren before or after school.  These hours are not possible for seniors who take medications that disrupt their sleep schedule.  Many seniors are retired and want to take classes when they feel most awake and energized.  Early mornings and evenings are times when many seniors need rest.

2.  Must have a staff member present in the class.  Staff members have work to do to keep the senior centers running!  Senior centers have staffing shortages.  This rule places an undue burden on staff and budget.  Staff members should not be asked to sit in on classes before and after their work days.

3.  Must be limited to 12 people.  Seniors who are turned away will be greatly disheartened.  Being turned away even once can lead to people giving up, and that can have a catastrophic impact on their health and well-being.  If we can serve more people, we should.

4.  Must require that all participants have their cameras on.  Some seniors have computers with broken cameras and do not have the resources to purchase new equipment.  Some seniors have other family members in the room who don't want to be on camera.  People deserve to decide how they want to show up in programs.  People deserve the right to privacy.  Requiring instructors to police participants and their camera use creates unnecessary social friction that is detrimental to the well-being of all participants present.

To ensure that our older adult population receives the support they deserve, it is crucial that we eliminate these new mandates as soon as possible.  Senior Centers need the freedom to schedule fully online classes tailored to the older adults they work with directly, every day.  By doing so, we can bridge the gap between physical limitations and life enriching opportunities while promoting mobility and social engagement among our seniors.

I urge you all to join me in signing this petition calling on the New York City Department for the Aging to eliminate these new mandates for fully online older adult classes asap. Let us come together as a community and advocate for accessible programs that enhance the lives of our beloved seniors.

Together we can make a difference!

Thank you,

Chintamani Kansas

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Signatures: 945Next Goal: 1,000
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