STOP Pacaso From Damaging Incline Village/Crystal Bay

STOP Pacaso From Damaging Incline Village/Crystal Bay
April 29, 2022
Signatures: 1,304Next Goal: 1,500
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Why this petition matters
Started by Pamela Tsigdinos
What is Pacaso:
- A well-funded, $1 Billion+ Corporation
- Focused on purchasing homes, forming LLCs and selling shares to multiple, anonymous owners
What is Pacaso’s Business:
- Buys single family homes in residential communities under a unique LLC
- Promotes anonymous, real estate co-ownership in residential neighborhoods
- Offers buyers a minimum of 1/8 shares of the LLC; up to 8 anonymous owners per home
- Markets second home ownership as a way to build a portfolio of real estate
- Finances up to 70% of the LLC share(s) purchase price
- LLC shares allow up to 8 owners and multiple guests to come and go
What We Know and Believe:
- Business removes homes from the market available for single-family use
- Ignores/skirts Washoe County STR regulations
- No STR permit required; no occupancy limits; no parking limits; no fire and life safety inspections; no local 24/7 complaint responder; no bear box requirement; etc.
- Avoids Homeowner Association (HOA) CC&R restrictions for Short-Term Rentals
- Avoids real estate transfer taxes when LLC shares are sold
- No Transient Occupancy Taxes (TOT) are paid by the Pacaso LLC or the LLC owners
- Places added burdens on Incline Village/Crystal Bay amenities and infrastructure
- Markets preferred access to our beaches, golf courses, tennis and recreation centers
- LLC owners are restricted from renting their “time,” but may “gift” it to anyone
- LLC owners are not vested in our community and are not eligible to vote in our elections
- Neighbors are inconvenienced with noise, trash, vehicles, and an unrestricted number of strangers cycling through their neighborhoods from day to day or week to week
- Near impossible for neighbors to know: who to contact for emergencies? Who’s legit or not?
Your Involvement is Needed:
- Please sign this petition
- Send an email to:
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Signatures: 1,304Next Goal: 1,500
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