「会わせないのに金はとる?」弁護士による養育費の成功報酬補助予算案の取りやめを求めます #ちょっと待って養育費のピンハネ

「会わせないのに金はとる?」弁護士による養育費の成功報酬補助予算案の取りやめを求めます #ちょっと待って養育費のピンハネ

小林元治 (日本弁護士連合会会長)


'You won't let me see him, but you'll take my money?' We call for the cancellation of the proposed budget for contingency fee assistance for child support by attorneys.
[English version is under Japanese]

内閣総理大臣 岸田文雄 様
こども家庭庁長官 渡辺由美子 様
日本弁護士連合会会長 小林元治 様 




*1 時事通信 2023年12月20日「養育費裁判、成功報酬を補助 ひとり親の負担軽減―こども家庭庁







*2 「弁護士費用ー成功報酬か否か」[2]

*3 「こども未来戦略」案

*4 日本弁護士連合会 2023年2月16日 「家族法制の見直しに関する中間試案」に対する意見書

*5 日本弁護士連合会 2023年4月1日 「会長からのご挨拶

*6 日本弁護士連合会 2023年「民事法律扶助における利用者負担の見直し、民事法律扶助の対象事件の拡大及び持続可能な制度のためにその担い手たる弁護士の報酬の適正化を求める決議






*7 堀尾英範「子連れの離婚をする前に」 

*8 法制審議会家族法制部会 家族法制の見直しに関する要綱案(案)




  1. 養育費徴収の手続き費用の成功報酬の補助予算案を取りやめ、弁護士に税金を投じないでください。逆に、横行する養育費のピンハネ規制を立法化し、養育費手続きから成功報酬を得ることを禁止してください。
  2. 父母双方が子育ての時間もお金も両方出し合えるように、共同親権へと民法を改正してください。その際、父母による平等な養育時間の機会を確保し、一方の親に養育時間が偏る場合は、養育費とトレードオフできるルールを立法化してください。






'You won't let me see him, but you'll take my money?' We call for the cancellation of the proposed budget for contingency fee assistance for child support by attorneys.


Mr. Fumio Kishida, Prime Minister of Japan
Ms. Yumiko Watanabe, Director-General of the Administration for Children and Families
Mr. Motoharu Kobayashi, President, Japan Federation of Bar Associations

State subsidizes legal fees for child support claims?
Starting in FY2024, the Administration for Children and Families plans to subsidize contingency fees to attorneys for "single parents" who have gone through mediation or other court proceedings seeking payment of child support for their children. In many cases, the attorneys charge 10-20% of the child support they win as a contingency fee, for several years. If the child support is 50,000 yen per month, they receive a fee of several thousand yen to 10,000 yen. The agreement is made without any notice to the paying father (or mother).

In joint custody, the parents share the time and expense of raising the child.

Child support is money for food, education, clothes, shoes, and other expenses necessary for a child to grow up. It is not money that a parent can put his or her hands on as he or she pleases just because he or she is the custodial parent. Under the current situation of sole custody, where one parent has custody outside of the marriage, the payor cannot know how child support is being paid. On the other hand, in joint custody, both parents share the time and expense of raising the child. In some countries, it is prohibited to take a contingency fee from child support.

The state may provide assistance in the process of collecting child support, but not in the cost assistance for the process of maintaining the parent-child relationship. Because of the sole custody system, "as long as there is money, the child will grow up.

The government's draft Strategy for the Future of Children points out that "approximately 45% of children are in a situation of relative poverty. Poverty and abuse by single-parent families are also major causes of single-parent childrearing under the current single-parent custody system. The Japan Federation of Bar Associations, however, opposes joint custody in order to secure their own income.

It is the lawyers who are creating child poverty by depriving children of their fathers (and mothers) with impunity. Then they take the children's money as lawyers' fees, and now they want our tax money.

In other countries, child care costs and child care time are traded off.

In countries that have moved from sole custody to joint custody, a "trade-off" has been established as a rule where the amount of child support decreases if the amount of child care time is greater. If the amount of time is 50-50, the amount of child support is 0. In addition, at the time of divorce, it is mandatory to prepare a child support plan (an agreement on child support time and expenses).

However, the Legislative Council, which is currently discussing a review of family law, has decided not to make child support plans mandatory. If arrangements are made in advance, there is no need for lawyers. On the contrary, the proposal that has been considered is to set a legal child support fee to ensure a stable income for lawyers and to channel funds to lawyers again through the enhanced collection procedure.

What the government should do is not to invest taxpayer money to secure stable income for lawyers. What it should do is to stop the pinning of money now, amend the law to allow both parents to provide both time and money for childcare, and create a support system for this purpose.

We are looking for the following

  1. Please do not tax attorneys by rescinding the proposed budget to subsidize contingency fees for child support collection proceedings. Conversely, legislate rampant child support pinning regulations and prohibit contingency fees from child support proceedings.
  2. Please amend the Civil Code to joint custody so that both parents can provide both time and money for child rearing. In doing so, please legislate rules that ensure equal child-rearing time opportunities by both parents and allow for a trade-off with child support if child-rearing time is biased toward one parent.
