Make Festivus a National Holiday

Make Festivus a National Holiday

3 Media Mentions

The Issue

The pole, the airing of grievances, the feats of strength – they’re no longer just Costanza family traditions. They’re our collective heritage. They’ve transcended the world of Seinfeld and are now embraced by … I’ve lost my train of thought. 

The world is filled with countless holidays! There's almost too many, yet the universal holiday of Festivus isn't recognized. That’s preposterous! Festivus brings EVERYONE together, but we still can't get a lousy day off of work. 

Now’s the time to right the wrong. It’s our duty to honor Frank Costanza and his legacy by making Festivus a national holiday.

Here's what you can do to help the cause:

  1.  Sign the petition and share the #MakeFestivusOfficial hashtag on social media.
  2. March into your boss’s office and demand to get the day of December 23rd off. 
  3. If they say no – hama, yama – take the day off anyway. 

This year, with your help, we’ll all get to experience a Festivus miracle. 

Sign the petition and MAKE FESTIVUS OFFICIAL! 


Follow Seinfeld on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for more ways to get involved! Also, tune in to Seinfeld on weeknights or stream the complete series on Netflix. 


'I Signed' Sticker




3 Media Mentions

The Issue

The pole, the airing of grievances, the feats of strength – they’re no longer just Costanza family traditions. They’re our collective heritage. They’ve transcended the world of Seinfeld and are now embraced by … I’ve lost my train of thought. 

The world is filled with countless holidays! There's almost too many, yet the universal holiday of Festivus isn't recognized. That’s preposterous! Festivus brings EVERYONE together, but we still can't get a lousy day off of work. 

Now’s the time to right the wrong. It’s our duty to honor Frank Costanza and his legacy by making Festivus a national holiday.

Here's what you can do to help the cause:

  1.  Sign the petition and share the #MakeFestivusOfficial hashtag on social media.
  2. March into your boss’s office and demand to get the day of December 23rd off. 
  3. If they say no – hama, yama – take the day off anyway. 

This year, with your help, we’ll all get to experience a Festivus miracle. 

Sign the petition and MAKE FESTIVUS OFFICIAL! 


Follow Seinfeld on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for more ways to get involved! Also, tune in to Seinfeld on weeknights or stream the complete series on Netflix. 


'I Signed' Sticker



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Featured Comments

Avatar of Ran
Ran, Portland
4 months ago
Our family has been celebrating Festivus consistently in the last 10 years. Pole and all.
Avatar of Evelyn
Evelyn, Brighton
1 year ago
I find tinsel distracting

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Petition created on December 2, 2022