Save the Phlebotomy Drive Through Service

Save the Phlebotomy Drive Through Service

11 September 2023
Signatures: 4,679Next Goal: 5,000
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Why this petition matters

The Phlebotomy Drive Through is due to cease from 24th November 2023 due to insufficient funding.

This invaluable service has been in place since May 2020 to initially help ease pressures and ensure patients could obtain the necessary blood tests during the pandemic. The innovative service has since evolved into a service not only for vulnerable patients but also one that is relied on by a wide range of patient groups and in some cases family members/carers. These groups include those with mobility issues who are unable to leave their vehicle with ease, full time workers who can plan a visit for their test during their lunch break/before work starts , disabled and vulnerable patients who feel more comfortable in their own environment without attending a busy, clinical area and patients who want to obtain their blood test at their convenience with no appointment necessary. With Pathology being directly involved in over 75% of all diagnoses within the NHS it is critical we ensure patients can obtain the required tests with ease and convenience. 


Should the service cease in November 2023 this would mean up to 2500 patients per month having to find an alternate place to have their blood test done with the hospital outpatients unable to accommodate this number and GP surgeries already under extreme pressures with waiting times for appointments only increasing.


Immediate action is required to source funding to ensure the Drive Through Service remains to allow patients to attend without delay to their testing. 

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Signatures: 4,679Next Goal: 5,000
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