Ensure Accessible and Inclusive Healthcare for All

Ensure Accessible and Inclusive Healthcare for All

October 8, 2023
Signatures: 31Next Goal: 50
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Why this petition matters

Started by Burgess Harrison
I am personally affected by the issue of healthcare access, as it is a matter that impacts everyone, irrespective of our race, gender, age, income or social status. The ability to access quality healthcare should not be a privilege but a right for all. We all benefit when everyone has access to quality healthcare - we have a healthier population which leads to a stronger economy and a more just society.

Infectious diseases do not discriminate. Anyone can become sick regardless of their wealth or status. When an infectious disease outbreak occurs such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic that has affected millions worldwide (source: World Health Organization), everyone is at risk.

The mission of Health is for EveryBODY℠ aims to empower individuals to lead healthier lives by providing accessible and inclusive healthcare solutions. They believe that everyone should have the opportunity to achieve optimal health and well-being regardless of their background or circumstances.

However, according to data from the U.S Census Bureau in 2019, approximately 26.1 million people in America were uninsured (source: U.S Census Bureau). This alarming statistic highlights the urgent need for change in our current system.

We need your support now more than ever! Let's unite our voices and demand accessible and inclusive healthcare solutions for every individual across this nation because health truly is for every body! Please sign this petition today.
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Signatures: 31Next Goal: 50
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