Let our City Council know that Santa Clara is our city and we believe in open government.

Let our City Council know that Santa Clara is our city and we believe in open government.

July 13, 2023
Signatures: 21Next Goal: 25
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Why this petition matters

Started by James Rowen

As a former resident of Santa Clara, I have always loved this city and its vibrant community. However, recent events have raised concerns about the transparency and accountability of our local government. It is time for us to come together and demand change.

Firstly, we strongly believe that the positions of Police Chief and City Clerk should be elected by the people. By allowing residents to directly elect these crucial positions, we can ensure that they are accountable to the community they serve. This will promote transparency, trust, and a stronger connection between law enforcement/city administration and the citizens.

Secondly, it is high time for Santa Clara to establish an Ethics Commission. Such a commission would play a vital role in overseeing ethical conduct within our local government. It would investigate complaints of misconduct or conflicts of interest among elected officials or public employees, ensuring fairness and integrity in decision-making processes.

Furthermore, we must address the issue of outside influence on our elections. The San Francisco 49ers should not be allowed to spend millions on our elections while neglecting important community needs like rebuilding our swim center. Our children deserve better opportunities for recreation and growth rather than having their future shaped by wealthy sports organizations' political agendas.

Lastly, it is crucial that there are no secret meetings held by our City Council members or any other governing bodies within Santa Clara's local government. All meetings should be conducted in full public view so that residents can actively participate in decision-making processes that affect their lives.

By signing this petition, you are joining fellow residents who believe in open government practices for Santa Clara:

[Your Name]

Together let's make sure Santa Clara remains a city where transparency thrives!

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Signatures: 21Next Goal: 25
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