

Başlama tarihi:
25 Mayıs 2022
İmzalar: 4.001Sonraki Hedef: 5.000
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Bu kampanya neden önemli?

Başlatan: DKSeasnoT Müsilaj

Biz bu problemi seçtik  çünkü, temiz denizlerde yüzmek istiyoruz.Ve bunu seçtik çünkü pandemi döneminde müsilaj çıktı ve ilgimizi çekti.Bize katılın temiz denizlerde yüzmek istemezmisiniz?


What is sea snot?

Mucilage is formed as a result of organic compounds secreted by microorganisms in the marine environment by increasing excessively. Sea saliva is caused by climate change and wastes diverted to the sea, negatively affecting life under the sea.

It is also called sea snail or sea snot because of its appearance. When these organisms, which always live on their own in the seas, grow for different reasons, mucilage is formed and comes to the surface especially in the spring months with the warming of the seas

 What are the reasons for the formation of mucilage?

There are 3 basic examples of mucilage formation.

Sea temperatures are higher than normal temperature.

Increasing pollution of the sea.

The stillness of the sea.

What dangers does mucilage pose? 

The problem of mucilage, which was first reported in 1997 in Turkey in recent years, was reported for the first time in the Dardanelles, Marmara Sea in 1997 and resurfaced to a large extent in 2007-2008 and the Sea of ​​Marmara resurfaced in 2007. 2008 in a big way and for a long time.

It was detected in January 2020, and then intensified in April and, unlike previous examples, caused a serious problem and usually disappeared within a month or 45 days.

As it continues to increase its intensity in May and June, Turkish authorities have announced a comprehensive action plan to clean up the Sea of ​​Marmara.

Although there are reports of mucilage reaching the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea – as the Sea of ​​Marmara connects them – experts do not expect a major expansion in the two seas due to differences in situation and geography.

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İmzalar: 4.001Sonraki Hedef: 5.000
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