NO MORE MINAMATA すべての水俣病被害者救済を ~To Save All the Victims of Minamata Disease 〜

NO MORE MINAMATA すべての水俣病被害者救済を ~To Save All the Victims of Minamata Disease 〜



*英語版はページ下部にあります”Please scroll to the bottom of the page for the English version”


 2021年,日本でも映画「 MINAMATA 」が公開されます。
▼ 映画 MINAMATA の協力を得て動画も公開しています。


▼ノーモア・ミナマタ第2次訴訟弁護団 HP をご覧ください。

*English version is below 

---It has been 65 years since Minamata disease was officially confirmed in Kumamoto and 56 years since it was made public in Niigata.
 On May 1, 1956, the outbreak of Minamata disease was officially confirmed in Minamata City, Kumamoto Prefecture.
 On June 12, 1965, Niigata Minamata Disease, the second Minamata disease, was made public, having been found in the Agano River basin in Niigata Prefecture.
 In 2004, after a prolonged struggle by the victims of Minamata disease, the Supreme Court of Japan ruled that Chisso Corporation, as well as the Japanese government and Kumamoto Prefecture, the perpetrators of Minamata disease, were legally responsible for the outbreak and spread of Minamata disease in Kumamoto.      As for Niigata Minamata disease, Showa Denko has been found responsible, but the responsibility of the government is still under litigation.
---Many victims of Minamata disease are still suffering due to the lack of relief and compensation
 Despite this, the government, Kumamoto Prefecture, Chisso, and Showa Denko, the perpetrators of Minamata disease, have not taken any drastic measures for the sake of the victims.
 The Minamata disease certification system instituted by the government has failed to offer relief for Minamata disease victims who have been left behind.
 In 2005, the victims of Minamata disease, who felt that the government, which was one of the perpetrators of the disaster, had behaved unfairly in the way it determined who was a victim and who was not, filed a lawsuit (The First No More Minamata Lawsuit) demanding just compensation from an impartial third party: the justice system (the courts). At the same time, other Minamata disease victims groups also stood up and demanded just compensation. The “Act on Special Measures for Minamata Disease Victims,” enacted in 2010, brought relief to 56,000 victims of Minamata disease.
 As a result, it became clear that the damage caused by Minamata disease was more widespread than had been previously thought. It was found that there were many Minamata disease victims beyond the so-called affected areas determined by the government. (The government has stated that no new cases of Minamata disease occurred in Kumamoto after 1969 and in Niigata after 1966.)
--The Japanese government created a “relief law,” but cut off many victims
 However, since the government closed the window for applying for government relief under the Special Measures Law after only two and a half years of the law passing, many victims have been abandoned, cut off from the support system established for relief.
 Moreover, the medical examinations carried out under the special measures law were conducted in a haphazard and violent manner, which caused incidents in which some people were left ineligible to apply for relief. One case in Kumamoto saw an applicant stabbed violently with a needle and bled for a pain test during an examination that lasted less than a minute.
 There were many cases as well in which applicants who did not have a residential history of living in the so-called "affected areas"—as determined by the government—were deemed ineligible for receiving relief, without even undertaking a medical examination.
 Although the government passed a law to provide relief, it resulted in many Minamata disease victims being left out and ignored.
---Even now, about 1,800 people are fighting in the courts around Japan.
 Those who were not able to apply for the law for special measures or those who had been deemed ineligible filed a lawsuit for just compensation.
 The lawsuits were filed at the Kumamoto District Court (1,434 people), the Tokyo District Court (86 people), and the Osaka District Court (130 people) seeking compensation from the perpetrators of the disease: Chisso,, the Japanese government, and Kumamoto Prefecture. In the case of Niigata Minamata Disease, the victims of Minamata Disease have filed a lawsuit in the Niigata District Court (approximately 153 people) seeking compensation from Showa Denko K.K. and the government. (Still ongoing as of the end of August, 2021.)
---The government must immediately exert all its power to resolve this issue!
 There are still many issues to be addressed regarding Minamata disease, such the fulfillment of policies for the victims to live as human beings, the restoration of the environment of the affected areas, and the reestablishment of community ties, among many others.
 However, as a prerequisite for tackling these issues, it is first necessary to provide just compensation to the victims. The government should take responsibility for the effort such as the reconstruction of the Minamata disease certification system and establishment of the new compensation system. This issue will never be resolved only by the judicial judgement.
 Minamata disease is not over yet. It is an ongoing case of environment-related harm to public health. It is not only inhumane but also legally unacceptable to leave the victims unattended any longer.
 The movie Minamata will see its nationwide release in Japan in 2021.
 We would like to take this opportunity to call for everyone in the world to know the reality of Minamata disease and to give support to bring this matter to the appropriate resolution.
▼With the cooperation of the producers of the movie Minamata, we have also released a video with our message. :
▼Please listen to the voices of the victims of Kumamoto Minamata disease and Niigata Minamata disease. :

▼The website of the legal team involved in The Second No More Minamata Lawsuit:

