Revoke Journalism Prize awarded to illegal German propaganda that libels 21 yr old girl

Revoke Journalism Prize awarded to illegal German propaganda that libels 21 yr old girl

9. Oktober 2021
Petition an
Volker Northoff (Deutscher Journalistenpreis (djp)) und
4.195 Unterschriften:Nächstes Ziel: 5.000
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Warum ist diese Petition wichtig?

Gestartet von Navina Heyden


Zusammenfassung (Auf Deutsch)

Der Deutsche Journalistenpreis in der Kategorie "IT und Kommunikation" wurde dieses Jahr an den verleumderischen Artikel "Chinas heimliche Propagandisten" von Anette Dowideit, Tina Kaiser, Maximilian Kalkhof und Christina Brause vergeben. Dieser Artikel wurde vom Landgericht Frankfurt als rechtswidrig eingestuft, da dieser falsche Tatsachenbehauptungen über mich, Navina Heyden, enthält. 

Ein solcher Artikel sollte von Grund auf angezweifelt werden und erst recht keinen Preis erhalten. Diese Petition soll nun die Jury dieser Kategorie dazu auffordern, den Preis zurückzuziehen. 

Meine Geschichte


本次请愿要求‘德国新闻奖’组委会撤销颁发给德国Axel Springer传媒公司旗下记者
Anette Dowideit, Tina Kaiser, Maximilian Kalkhof 和 Christina Brause 的'最佳IT和通讯类新闻奖'。

上述记者的评奖作品‘中国的诡秘政治宣传者'一文,充满了大量针对对华友好人士的诽谤和诋毁,以十分恶劣和羞辱性的笔法,无中生有地对中国进行了全方位的野蛮攻击和丑化。该文对其中一名对中国抱有客观和同情立场的无辜受害者,德国21岁女生Navina Heyden(中文名:海雯娜) 造成了严重的名誉和身心伤害。Navina将上述记者及所在的媒体起诉至法兰克福地方法院,目前取得了完全的胜诉。

'德国新闻奖'组委会将该奖项颁发给一个法院已经裁决非法,并且造谣证据昭然若揭人人可见的政治抹黑类文章授予'最佳IT和通讯类新闻奖',十分不合理并且对受害人造成了二次伤害。受害人Navina Heyden的受害经过事实清楚,加害人的手段十分卑鄙恶毒,毫无辩解空间。评奖组委会至今仍对Navina Heyden要求撤销该奖项授予的合理诉求置若罔闻,令德国新闻业蒙羞。

Navina Heyden及其朋友呼吁全球正直人士一起联署该请愿,一同反对这一针对普通民众的迫害和打压。

Navina Heyden的更多中文信息可参见其微博:


My story (in English)

1. Being slandered by Die Welt Am Sonntag (Axel Springer, USA propaganda)

Dear all, I’m Navina Heyden. I’m a German student who has visited and lived in China very often since age 15. I used my social media to show people the China I experienced, which is very often against the narratives from pro-USA propaganda media. A group of journalists from Die Welt Am Sonntag, Annette Dowideit (Twitter), Maximilian Kalkhof (Twitter), and Tina Kaiser (Twitter) framed me in their interview, and published an article (together with Christina Brause (Twitter) and an UK conservative thinking tank) accusing me for being a dangerous propagandist in Germany to work with Chinese government. Fact is I’m just21 yr old student married to a Chinese citizen, and I speak freely of what I saw and experienced.

2. Slanderous article received German Journalism Prize

Because article published by those journalists was full of lies and slander (Deutsche Beweise: 1, 2, 3, 4, and English proofs: 1, 2, 3, 4original legal record of interview), I sued them in Frankfurt local court, and won the lawsuit (source 1, 2) . Surprisingly, those journalists and the media company behind them, Axel Springer, shamelessly used this article to compete into one of Germany’s most famous journalism prize, and got an award in category ‘IT and Communication’ despite of its political/individual slanderous and illegal nature (news source). The results of my lawsuit and reports from alternative media have clearly demonstrated the credibility and morality of the authors, therefore such article from them should never be nominated in the first place (news source). When I heard the news about them being awarded, I immediately wrote to the juries of this prize. However none of them have given any comments so far. I wanted to protest to Axel Springer through twitter, but they blocked me from visiting them, probably afraid my act will make them look bad.

3. Need your strength for our fight

I have already demanded my lawyers to investigate into this whole scandal to find any trace of illegality. Hereby, I launch an international petition to call the jury and organisers of German Journalism Prize revoke their decision of awarding article ‘Chinas heimliche Propagandisten’ because of its illegal and immoral nature. This article has brought lots of pain and harm to me and my family, I have to bear such a defamed title before I step into society This is a modern witch-hunt performed by malicious propaganda media to oppress anyone who voices against them. They abuse their freedom of press to torture individuals they hate, and even rule of law means nothing to them. This petition although only aims to withdraw the prize, I believe the public already had enough to mainstream media. Therefore, this petition is also a chance for everyone to voice their objections against media manipulation nowadays popular in our world. Even if we cannot make instantaneous improvement, or maybe the jury still refuse to change their decision, we will leave a footprint in history that we have fought for social justice. I personally wish my story and evidence could help other victims to counterattack the defamation they received from media, and offer them some courage and hope. We are honoured for being part of a noble effort, and future will give its judgment to those violators they deserve.


References in German

Die Welt Am Sonntag published and revised article (after law-enforced revision by my lawsuit)

Interview with Die Welt Am Sonntag

Interview with RT_DE

Interview with RT_DE

Report by Golem

Report by German.China


References in English 

Global Times (English only)

Guancha news (En & 中文)

Dotdot news (En & 中文)

China daily new (En & 中文)

ISD 'analysis' (English only)


Subsequent slanderous articles against me






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  • Volker NorthoffDeutscher Journalistenpreis (djp)
  • Prof. Volker M. BanholzerJurymitglied beim Deutschen Journalistenpreis IT & Kommunikation
  • Regine BönschJurymitglied beim Deutschen Journalistenpreis IT & Kommunikation
  • Moritz DöblerJurymitglied beim Deutschen Journalistenpreis IT & Kommunikation
  • Svea EckertJurymitglied beim Deutschen Journalistenpreis IT & Kommunikation