Request NVIDIA to continue providing driver support to Kepler´s GPUs

Request NVIDIA to continue providing driver support to Kepler´s GPUs

18 de noviembre de 2021
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Firmas: 1Próximo objetivo: 5
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Iniciada por Edgardo Orellana

In these days due to Crypto mining, GPU's prices are absolutely insane and NVIDIA has decided not to provide driver's support to old GPUs like GTX 600 and 700 series.

Most of them are still good and usefull GPU's that many people still own and play with.

We would really appreciate if NVIDIA could continue providing driver support for a few months more taking in consideration the pricess of new card on the market due to miners.

I have a 780ti wich is still a good card capable of run most of the recent games and I am sure I am not the only one.

We had always trust on Nvidia's technology and systems, and this new has been so dissapointing for us.

We are just asking for a few months more to continue waiting until this out of stock crysis ends.

If you are owner of a Kepler arch GPU or you would like to support our request, please sign this petition to NVIDIA.

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Firmas: 1Próximo objetivo: 5
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