Save Narkis Golan's son from The Hague Convention

Save Narkis Golan's son from The Hague Convention

November 16, 2023
Signatures: 956Next Goal: 1,000
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Why this petition matters

Started by Her Hague Story

Her Hague Story, together with Movement of Mothers, call upon the Italian Government to honour and uphold the recommendations of the U.S. Supreme Court, and retract The Hague Convention application for the late Narkis' son, so he may safely remain in America.

Please sign and share this petition to join with us, as we call upon the Italian government to retract the application for the late Narkis' son.

Seven Supreme Court judges unanimously found that the late Narkis' son had been exposed to severe domestic violence at the hands of the Italian applicant. And, consequently found that the late Narkis' son would be placed in a situation of grave risk if forced into Italy. 

Unconscionably, the lower court Hague judge has since been dismissive of the seven Supreme Court judges' unanimous recommendations for the child to remain in America, and has since made orders that would force the late Narkis’ son into Italy - against his best interests and into known grave risk.

This grave risk of exposure to severe domestic violence remains, as recent allegations reported by NBC News in June 2023, state that the physical violence has been targeted at the child during court ordered visitations, despite there being an order of protection against the child's father. 

Please sign and share this petition and help us call upon the Italian government to retract the application for the late Narkis' son, and allow him to continue to call America home - as he has for the last six years.  


Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, without your intervention the life of this child rests in the hands of a judge who has explicitly stated that she, “does not intend to become involved in considering the best interest of *the child*. My task is not to determine the best interest of *the child*. Indeed, that is exactly what the [Hague Convention] court seeks to avoid”.

This negligence will leave the child with a man who according to court records, bashed and raped Narkis so violently while she was pregnant, that he tore her vaginal tissue to such a degree that she needed internal stitches.

A parent who is so violent with a pregnant mother that it endangers the pregnancy and therefore the life of the unborn child, and results in medical attention being required, is not a person who should be left alone with a child.

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, we call upon your humanity, justice, and goodwill. Please reach out your hand of protection and retract the application of an identified abuser.

Narkis’ son needs to heal from the trauma of his late mother's death. He should not be forced to endure the additional trauma of being ripped from everything and everyone he knows. It would be inhumane to knowingly place a child, especially a child with special needs, into grave risk and unconscionable harm.

Please sign and share this petition and help us call upon President Giorgia Meloni, and the Italian Government, to reach out their hand of protection, and retract The Hague application of this identified abuser.

The parental rights of an abuser MUST NEVER supersede the rights of a child to safety and protection.

Not now. Not ever. 


Standing in solidarity, 

Her Hague Story and Movement of Mothers 


This petition has been organised in honour of the Late Narkis Golan, by Her Hague Story and Movement of Mothers.  Hague mothers and allies all around the world are uniting to stand in solidarity with the late Narkis to continue her fight to protect her son.

Please sign and share this petition.  SHOUT with us! 


*Names have been removed to protect the identity of the child. 


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Signatures: 956Next Goal: 1,000
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