Halt Rezoning Efforts to Preserve Community Character on Tyree RD in Winston, GA.

Halt Rezoning Efforts to Preserve Community Character on Tyree RD in Winston, GA.

March 18, 2024
Signatures: 434Next Goal: 500
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Why this petition matters

Started by Travis Riley

 We are a community of residents who chose to make Winston, GA our home because of its current zoning, among other things. The charm and character of our town have always been defined by the low-density development that respects the natural beauty and tranquility of our surroundings. However, recent law changes and an adjoining sewer connection have opened the door for unprecedented dense development that was never intended for this community.

This proposed rezoning threatens to drastically alter the landscape we've come to love and cherish. It would not only disrupt our way of life but also put undue strain on local resources and infrastructure. According to a study by Smart Growth America, such high-density developments can lead to increased traffic congestion, pressure on public services like schools and emergency response units, as well as potential environmental concerns.

We believe in growth that is sustainable and respectful of the community's character - not one that prioritizes profit over people's quality of life. Therefore, we urge local authorities in Winston, GA to reconsider these rezoning plans.

By signing this petition you are standing with us in preserving what makes Winston special - its sense of community built around respect for nature and each other's peaceable enjoyment thereof. Together we can ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy what we have today. Please sign this petition now!  

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Signatures: 434Next Goal: 500
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