Punish the dog farmers in Uljin/Samcheok who abandoned dogs in cages to be burned to death

Punish the dog farmers in Uljin/Samcheok who abandoned dogs in cages to be burned to death

March 6, 2022
Petition to
South Korea President Moon Jae-In and
Signatures: 10,190Next Goal: 15,000
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Urgent Action Alert! South Korea, punish the dog farmers in Uljin and Samcheok who abandoned their dogs in raised wire cages to be burned to death or injured in the fire!  Relocate the remaining 130 dogs at the dog farm, relinquished by the dog farm owner, to the Uljin County Animal Shelter immediately!

Click HERE to learn more and take action: https://koreandogs.org/uljin-fire/

The ABC News reported on March 4, 2022:
“Thousands of South Korean firefighters and troops were battling a large wildfire on Saturday that tore through an eastern coastal area and temporarily threatened a nuclear power station and a liquified natural gas plant. The fire, which began Friday morning on a mountain in the seaside town of Uljin and has spread across more than 6,000 hectares (14,800 acres) to the nearby city of Samcheok, destroyed at least 159 homes and 46 other buildings and prompted the evacuation of more than 6,200 people…. There were no immediate reports of injuries or deaths.”

People were able to evacuate but the thousands of dogs imprisoned in raised wire cages are left to die a horrible death. This happens all too often in South Korea. What these dogs have to experience is unimaginable horror and tragedy!

In Uljin and Samcheok area, there are numerous dog farms and dog slaughterhouses.

The Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE) team rushed to the area to survey the conditions of these dog farms.

Below is their post from one of the dog farms they visited.

A forest fire in Uljin had reached the dogs imprisoned in their locked cages at dog meat farms.

The dogs at this farm were barely alive, clinging to life after being badly burned. They are enduring unimaginable pain but are still licking each other’s wounds.

Dosa puppies, probably not even 6 months old, bred as meat, were seriously injured in the wildfire that spread to their cages.

Adult dogs were charred to death in the next cage or suffocated to death from inhaling smoke.

In horror and pain, starving, injured sibling dogs endured pain by licking each other. More seriously burned puppies died shortly after.

This is hell. We will rescue some of them.

Even if 150 were to be quarantined by the county (Uljin County has not taken any action yet), the county government will not properly treat the burned dogs, so CARE had to make another difficult decision to rescue the injured puppies.

We decided to rescue, transport, and treat six seriously injured puppies with burns.

It’s going to be very expensive. We are asking for your help.

We would appreciate any help for the dogs who have suffered burns and smoke inhalation so much that they need oxygen masks and have to go into oxygen rooms.

Today, sick dogs are being taken to the hospital. We are grateful to Dog Dream for your solidarity with CARE in this treatment and protection activities. CARE will remain on-site to take care of the dogs who have been starving for the last two days. We will update you again later.

Please donate to help the survivors of this horrific cruelty. 

❤️ Donate by Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/fromcare (Put “Uljin Fire” in the comment)
➡: donate@careanimalrights.or.kr



South Korea, punish the dog farmers in Uljin and Samcheok who abandoned their dogs in raised wire cages to be burned to death or injured in the fire!  Relocate the remaining 130 dogs at the dog farm, relinquished by the dog farm owner, to the Uljin County Animal Shelter immediately!
Petition: https://chng.it/ZLM8krPf

To: President Moon Jae-In
The Consultative Discussion Committee on Ending Dog Meat Consumption
Pan-Government Council
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
Ministry of Environment
Office of Government Policy Coordination
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
Ministry of the Interior and Safety
Ministry of Economy and Finance
National Assembly
Uljin County
City of Samcheok

Dear President Moon Jae-In and the South Korean government,

We ask that the South Korean government prosecute and punish the dog farmers in the Uljin and Samcheok area who abandoned their dogs in raised wire cages only to be burned to death or injured, violating the Animal Protection Act.  We also ask that the dogs at the Uljin dog farm in CARE's video be relocated to Uljin County Shelter immediately for medical care and protection.

Please see the videos and photos of the animals injured or dead in the fire:

Our hearts have been broken thousands of times, but the photos and videos of the dogs in cages burned to death and injured horribly are truly horrific and heartbreaking. These heartless people left their dogs locked up in raised wire cages, knowing full well what horror awaited them. How can the people of a modern nation such as South Korea, the nation of Samsung, Hyundai, Kia, LG Electronics have this kind of utter disregard for the lives of sentient animals who look upon them as a family?

Their actions are criminal and violate the Animal Protection Act. They must be prosecuted and punished to the fullest extent of the law. The South Korean government must take immediate measures to prevent unimaginable cruelty against dogs and cats.

An online petition calling for your immediate action is in progress: https://chng.it/ZLM8krPf

The favor of your reply is requested.


대한민국은 개들을 뜬장에 가둔채로 방치하여 불에 타 죽고 다치게한 울진군과 삼척지방의 개농장주인들을 처벌해주시고, 울진군 개농장 주인이 유기한 나머지 개 130마리를 즉시 울진군 동물보호소로 격리조치시켜주시길 강력히 촉구합니다.

청원: https://chng.it/ZLM8krPf

문재인 대통령
사회적 논의기구(개식용 문제 논의를 위한 위원회)
범정부 협의체

문제인 대통령님과 대한민국정부에 청원합니다.

대한민국은 개들을 뜬장에 가둔채로 방치하여 불에 타 죽고 다치게한 울진군과 삼척지방의 개농장주인들을 처벌해주시고, 울진군 개농장 주인이 유기한 나머지 개 130마리를 즉시 울진군 동물보호소로 격리조치시켜주시길 강력히 촉구합니다.

지난 3월 울진군, 삼척지역에 발발한 기록적인 대형 산불로 인하여 대한민국 정부는 국가재난사태를 선포하기에 이르렀습니다. 수 백 채의 건물이 불에 탔고 6천 여명이 거주하던 집을 떠나 대피해야 했습니다.

그 중에서도 이번 화재의 가장 큰, 그러나 목소리를 내지 못하는 피해자는 줄에 묶여있거나 뜬장 안에 갇혀서 화마를 피하지 못한 채 고스란히 불에 타서 죽거나 화상을 입은 동물들이었습니다. 그들의 사진과 동영상을 봐주세요.


그 동안 수없이 대한민국의 개식용 동물학대 관련 사건과 자료들을 접하면서 마음이 많이 아팠습니다만, 목줄을 한 채로, 뜬장에 가두어진채로 타 죽은 수 많은 개들을 보면서 말로 표현할 수 없는 참담함과 애통함을 느꼈습니다.

불에 타 죽은 개들의 개농장 주인들은 이런 끔찍한 사태가 올 수도 있다는 것을 뻔히 알면서도 개를 묶어두고 뜬장 안에 가둔채 자기들만 대피했던것입니다. 삼성, 현대, 기아, LG를 보유한 최첨단 국가의 국민이라는 사람들이 어떻게 본인을 가족으로 여기는 동물의 생명을 이렇게도 철저하게 경시할 수 있단 말입니까?

개에게 목줄을 한 채로, 뜬장에 가두어 방치해서 이 지경에 이르게 한 그들의 행위는 동물보호법에 위반되는 범죄행위이므로 반드시 기소하여 최대한도의 처벌을 받도록 해야 합니다. CARE의 영상에 나오는 울진개농장에 있는 개들을 모두 즉시 울진군 동물 보호소로 격리조치하여 진료와 보호를 해주시길 촉구합니다. 또한 대한민국 정부는 이와 같은 어이없고 잔인무도한 동물의 사상을 미연에 방지할 수 있는 규율을 조속히 제정하여 실행하기를 촉구합니다!

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Signatures: 10,190Next Goal: 15,000
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Decision Makers

  • President Moon Jae-InSouth Korea
  • Mayor Jeon Chan-GeolUljin County, South Korea
  • 장선용 Uljin County Council
  • 김정희 Uljin County Council
  • 장시원 Uljin County Council